Table of Contents
Companions of Muhammed
- Mohammed said to Umar: if satan would encounter you in the way he would certainly take a different way from that of yours (Muslim 44:32)
- The Lord has granted Umar some wishes: prayer in the direction of the Kaaba, the veil for women because they speak with bad and good men, the likelihood of the Prophet’s divorce from his wives and that Allah will give him better women that they. After the prophet’s wives made a common front against him (Bukhari 8:53, 60:10)
- some women hurried to screen themselves from Umar and said that he is sterner and harsher than the prophets (Bukhari 78:113, 62:33)
- they Muslims have been powerful since Umar embrace Islam (Bukhari 63:89)
- Among the nations, some people are inspired though they are not prophets and Umar is such a person (Bukhari 62:39)
- Umar explained that the Quraish(the tribe of M. ) had upper hand over their wife and the Ansar(a tribe in Medina) women had the upper hand over their men => the Quraish women started to do the same thing as Ansar women. The wife of Umar retorted against him when he shouted to her and didn’t like that and she said that the wife of the prophet do the same to him (Bukhari 66:4)
- … The black slave of the prophet….
- Umar stopped the prophet to do funeral prayer for Abdullah bin Ubdi (bin Salul) by reminding him the verse (9:80 – Allah will not forgive the hypocrites) in Quran and God reveals the verse (9:84 – Allah forbid the prophet to stay at their grave)
- Umar hits his wife in the middle of the night, the guest (Ash’ath) separated them and Umar said to him that: „A man should not be asked why he beats his wife“ (ibnmajah 9:142. Hasan (good)- not sahib (authentic)
- some women hurried to screen themselves from Umar and said that he is sterner and harsher than the prophets (Bukhari 78:113)
- Ali has sex with a slave girl from khumus (Bukhari 64:377)
- Muhammad Ali, you do not want to be for me like Aaron for Moses (Bukhari 64:438) but not a prophet after me!
Abu Bakr
- Abu Badr and Umar is discussed and a verse is revealed to forbid Muslims to discuss with the prophet (Bukhari 64: 393)
- Abu Bakr forbids the loaves from approaching the Kaaba and he also forbids them to be naked (Bukhari 58:19, 25: 107) (people were naked before)
- the prophet did give glad tidings to her of a palace of jewels in Paradise wherein there would be no noise and no toil (muslim 44:103-104)
- Mohammed asked Aisha to consult his parent but She said that he already knew that my parents would never allow me to seek separation from him (Muslim 18:30)
- Aisha was jealous of Khadija. The prophet praised her and he gave something to her female companions when he slaughtered a sheep (muslim 44:107-111)
- Aisha superior to the other women (nasai 36:9)
- Aisha refutes that Ali is the successor of Muhammed (Bukhari 64: 475)
- Before the death of M., he reveals to Fatima(his daughter) that she will be first to follow him (she weep), and tell that she will be chief of all Ladies in the paradises (she laughs) (Bukhari 61:129*-130)
Ansar in Medina
- M. was brought to Medina in order that the Ansars (Muslims of Medina) embrace Islam. At this time they were divided and their chiefs were killed (it facilitated their conversion) (Bukhari 63:2, 63:156*)
- a child said who is his father (a shepherd) after his mother lied about Juraij (a man from Israel). Another suckling child speak and ask Allah don’t make him like a passing rider but like a slave girl and explained that the rider is a tyrant (Bukhari 60:107*.133)