
  • No Equal between the one who fights and the non-fighter. Allah preferred the mujahideen(fighters) over the others and they will have a great reward, high/special degrees/ranks, forgiveness and mercy (4:95-96)
    • See Hadith for reference (Bukhari 56:8*, 97:51)
    • Jihad elevates the position of a man in Paradise to a grade one hundred higher and elevation between one grade and the other equals the height of the heaven from the earth (Muslim 33:175)
    • Jesus said that the great is the one who serves the other (Mathew 20:25-278 and Luke 22:24-27)
  • Allah promises the paradise for those who fight in his way (kills and are killed – they have sold their life to him). This promise can be found in the Torah and the Gospel (9:111)
    • This promise neither in the Torah nor in the Gospel
  • Those who are slain in the way of Allah => guidance, better conditions and paradise (47:4-6)
    • read Ibn Kathir very interesting, he explained the reward of a martyr
  • … a  transaction that will save you from painful punishment(jihad)…believe in Allah,  his Messenger and strive(fight in French) in the cause of Allah with wealth and live = forgiveness of sins and admission to the garden/paradise (61:10-14)
    • 61:13  … a Future victory (Allah is maybe talking about the fight)
    • 61:14  …. Allah empower Jesus with his disciples and give them victory about their enemies … (Jesus has never fought!!)
  • The ones who emigrated and striven in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives are greater in rank in the sight of Allah (9:20)
  • if you are killed in the cause of Allah or die = then forgiveness from Allah and mercy (3:156-157)
    • Confirmed in the Hadiths reference (…, Muslim 33:176-180)
  • The dead( of the battle of Uhud) are in paradise near their Lord (3:169[-171])
  • The dead in the cause of Allah is alive [in paradise] (2:154)
  • say not of those who are slain/killed in the way of Allah: “They are dead.“ Rather, they are alive (3:169
  • Those who fought with their wealth and their lives will have all good and they are successful (9:88)
  • Those who fight to sell their life  for the hereafter and they will have a great reward  (4:74)
  • strike [their] necks of the disbelievers, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterward or ransom. And those who are killed will be admitted to paradise (47:[4-]6)
  • Not equal among  those who spent (freely) and fought, before the Victory/conquest, (with those who did so later)(57:10– Both translation)
    • Surat 57 – Battle of Uhud (not important)
  • Whoever loan to Allah, he will multiply  (57:11

Defensive Fight

  • Those who fight to sell their life  for the hereafter and they will have a great reward and they fight for the oppressed among men, women, and children (4:74-75)
  • Kill all who disbelieves  (4:89 ) except those who don’t fight you and offer you peace  (4:90-91 [this has been abrogated by the verse of the sword(Tafsir al-Jalalayn)])
  • We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land …. penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, cause corruption = death, crucifixion,  their hands and feet are cut off …(5:[32-]33)
    • It means we can kill whoever for corruption? what means “corruption” and at the end of the verse the jews are transgressors, though Allah sent to them messengers.
    • the Jews strive throughout the land [causing] corruption and Allah does not like corrupters (5:64 )
    • „It was said the jews … “: it is not in the Torah but in the Talmud(Mishnah) (Read Here English and an article in German)
    • reference to the citation in Talmud (Jerusalem Talmud, Sanhedrin 4:1 (22a)): article 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Permission [to fight]: to protect monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques for demolition (Allah defends some people by others) (22:39-40)
  • … punish with an equivalent of that with which you were harmed …(16:126)

Not alliance with the polytheists or those disbelieve

  • the disbelievers are ever to you a clear enemy => no blame  for shortening the prayer (4:101)
  • don’t take disbelievers as allies rather than believers otherwise, you have nothing with Allah, except when you want to protect yourself from them (3:28)
    • in other translations, it is not written: “allies” but “friends” (Yusuf Ali and Pickthall) and it is interpreted the same way by ibn Kathir
  • The believers are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves (48:29)
  • …do not take your fathers or your brothers as allies if they have preferred disbelief over belief… (9:23)
  • O ye who believe! Take not for friends/allies unbelievers rather than believers: Do ye wish to offer Allah an open proof against yourselves (4:144)
  • O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies/friends/protectors of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people. (5:51)
    • in other translations, it is not “allies” but “friends” or “protectors”, when we read the following verse it means protectors…
    • Al-Jajalayn interpret it as “patrons”(protectors) and as “friends” by ibn Kathir
    • in seeking their assistance and help (ibn abbas)

Invitation to fight

  • do not weaken in pursuit of the enemy (it is not defense) (4:104)
  • We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve for what they have associated with Allah (3:151
    • (after the battle of Uhud: revenge of the dead people in the battle of  Badr)
    • Cause of the battle of Badr:  the Muslims attacked the caravans of the Quraish tribes
  • The Muslims who turned back(flee the battle), it was Satan who caused them to fail, because of some (evil) they had done (3:155, 3:175 – Yusuf Ali)
  • do not turn your backs to the disbelievers otherwise, you will have the anger [upon you] from Allah, and his refuge is Hell (<<battle of Badr>> see Tsafiri) (8:15-16)
  • when you encounter a company [from the enemy forces], stand firm (8:45)
  • Fight in the way/cause of Allah (2:190) till there is not idolatry anymore and the religion is only to Allah (2:193).  Kill them, expel them wherever they expelled you (revenge), but near the sacred mosque (2:191) till they cease Idolatry (2:192). Fight even the sacred mouth (2:194) [2:190-194]
    • Read Tsafir 
  • Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you … it is good for you … Allah knows while you know not (2:216)
  • Forbidden to fight in the sacred month, but fitnah/oppression is greater than killing/slaughter …they will not cease to fight you till you disbelieve (2:217)
  • Go forth and strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah (9:41)
  • So fight, [O Muhammad], in the cause of Allah –  Allah will restrain the [military] might of the disbelievers (4:84
  • Allah sends down iron to do war and other things (57:25)

Mohammed’s Warlord – Bounty/spoils of war

  • Muhammed post the believers at their stations for the battle [of Uhud](3:121)
  • The [decision concerning] bounties is for Allah and the Messenger (8:1)
    • Muhammed is the one who distributes the bounty

Allah try the believers with the fight

  • do you think that you will enter Paradise while Allah has not yet made evident those of you who fight in His cause and made evident those who are steadfast? (3:142)
    • Allah try with the fight read all (3:139 – 140)
    • Confirmed in a hadith (…)
  • The Muslims suffered on the day the two armies met by permission of Allah that He might make evident the [true] believers. (3:166)
    • It was at the battle of Uhud (see Tsafir)
  • … but if it had been Allah’s Will, He could certainly have exacted retribution from them (Himself); but (He lets you fight) in order to test you, some with others. But those who are slain in the Way of Allah = guidance, better conditions, and paradise (47:4-6)
  • do not weaken and do not grieve if you are [true] believers. If a wound should touch you – there has already touched the [opposing] people with a similar wound to make evident those who believe and take martyrs and purify the believers (3:139-141

Offensive fight

  • Fight the people of the book because they don’t believe in the religion of the truth, till they pay the Jizya humbled.  (9:29)
    • After the polytheist in Arabia peninsula are defeated, Mohammed wants to fight the Romans (read Tafsir Ibn Khatir, original with the Umar pact )
    • To make them compliant to the Authority of Islam (read tafsir al-Jalalayn, Ibn Abbas)
    • the prophet attacked Ukaydir of Dumah(a Christian ruler) and made peace with him on condition that he should pay Jizyah (poll-tax)  (Abu Dawud 20:110, reference in the Sirat)
    • And Umar fights the Byzantines (Egypt, Syrian, Israel – Christians) and the Persians.  read (Bukhari 58:3 read the article in Wikipedia too: German, English, French)
    • The prophet used to recommend the Muslims to fight until people accept Islam or pay the Jizya (Muslim 32:3)
    • Jesus will stop the Jizya when he will come back (Bukhari 46:37). it means the non-Muslims should pay till today the Jizya because Jesus has not come back.
    • Allah asks Muslims to fight people till they pay the Jizya only one time in the Quran. This is applied many times in the Sunnah (hadiths/Sirat) in many contexts => it is a general command (not for a special context).
    • Isis asks the Christians to pay the Jizya if they don’t want to convert to Islam otherwise the will be killed (see the video Here)
  • The Jews say:  „Ezra is the son of Allah“ and Christians say the Messiah is the son of Allah. May Allah destroy them (9:30-31)
  • fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness (9:123,124)
    • ask the Muslim to fight the disbelievers around the Islamic state – read Ibn Khatir
  • O Prophet, fight against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and their final refuge is Hell (9:73)
  • Say the bedouins You will be called to [face] a people of great military might; you may fight them, or they will submit and they will have a good reward (48:16)
    • to fight in jihad against the idolater till they embrace Islam (read Ibn Kathir)
    • Surat – they will fight against a tribe, or the Persian and Byzantine read  –  (read tafsir al-Jalalayn, Ibn Abbas)

Not sure if it is a defensive or offensive fighting

  • Fight in the way/cause of Allah(2:190) till there is not idolatry anymore and the religion is only to Allah (2:193).  Kill them, expel them wherever they expelled you (revenge), but near the sacred mosque (2:191) till they cease Idolatry (2:192). Fight even the sacred mouth (2:194) [2:190-194]
    • Verse 191  it is about revenge after the conquest of Mecca over the polytheists who used to persecute the Muslims   (al-Jalalayn, Ibn Abbas)
    • Verse 192 in a Tasfir stay that if they stop fighting and  association with Allah and turn to Allah (Ibn Abbas, al-Jalalayn, )
  • Prophet fight against hypocrites and the disbelievers (66:9)
  • O Prophet, urge the believers to battle (8:65)
  • And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful (9:1-6)
    • after the Tasfir  Kathir, it means to fight everyone  till they embrace Islam (
    • Related to the Hadith here to understand better (keyword here is: „… besiege them …“) and read also 9:1-20
  • … till there is no disbelieve, idolatry, fight against the prophet and the religion is to Allah… Quran 8:38-40
    • read ibn kathir, defensiv, other defensive offensiv

The believers wish the fight and then make excuse not to fight

  • But then when fighting was ordained for them, they feared men as  they fear Allah and want to postpone for a short time (4:77)
  • They wish a surah and when a precise surah is revealed and fighting is mentioned, they look with a look of one overcome by death (47:20)
  • when a surah was revealed to fight, those of wealth among them asked your permission [to stay back] (9:86)
  • …the hypocrites would have followed you, but distant to them was the journey… (9:42)

Punishment for people who refuse to fight

  • Those who do not spend gold and silver in the way of Alla = a painful punishment. (9:34)
  • If you do not go forth(to fight), Allah will punish you with a painful punishment and will replace you with another people (9:39-41)
    • In the surat 9, he told about fighting
    • Read verse 41 and Yusuf Ali
  • Those, who asks permission for  Fighting, do not believe in Allah and the Last Day (9:44-45 – Yusuf Ali -2 )
  • Those who remained behind and hated to strive and fight = they will go in the intensive fire of Hell [The fire of Hell is more intensive in heat] (9:81)
  • If the Bedouins refuse to fight  and turn away, Allah will punish them with a painful punishment (48:16)
  • The prophet must not pray over the dead hypocrites and must not come near their graves (9:73-85)
  • is not for the Prophet and those who have believed to ask forgiveness for the polytheists, even if they were relatives (9:113)
  • „Never turn your backs to disbelievers, otherwise you have certainly returned with anger [upon him] from Allah, and your refuge is Hell „ (8:15-16)
    • Battle of bad, read Tafsir to understand better – the cause of the battle

Evolution of Jihad (in Sirat)

  • The development of jihad (Sirat Rasul Allah p.212): “the apostle receives the order to fight”
    • Mohammed has not the right to fight
    • He has the right to fight defensively
    • He has to fight until religion and worship are only to Allah

Peaceful Verses

  • Authorization to fight: Allah pushes back people by other people for the protection of the church, synagogue, and mosque (22:39-40)
  • kill those who disbeliever (4:89) except those who do not fight you and offer you peace (4:90-91)
    • [This has been abrogated by the verse of the sword(9:5)(Tafsir al-Jalalayn)])
  • no compulsion in religion (2:256)
    • The prophet writes to the Jews of Khaibar to invite them to Islam and there is no compulsion for them (Sirat 256). Later He asked Ali to fight them till they embrace Islam (Muslim 44:52-54). this showed that the verse was abrogated
    • and the verse doesn’t forbid them to fight the unbelievers, because they have another option: pay the Jizya
    • The verse was canceled/abrogated in the Tafsir al-Tabari (…)
  • Your religion and my religion, you don’t adore what I adore. (109:1-6)
    • Verse 1: And a group of people (Ibn Wa’il al-Sahmi and al-Walid Ibn al-Mughirah) who ask Mohammed to surrender their God, who they worship [and they will do the same] ( Tasfir: Ibn Abbas, al-Tustari)
    • In verse 6 (your religion and my religion)
    • After the conquest of  Mecca, Mohammed had all other gods/status in Mecca destroyed…  (… reference in Bukhara…)
    • Before his death said that the Muslims had to expel the polytheist from the Arabic peninsula,  2 religions should not stay in the Persia peninsula … and wanted to expel the Jews and Christians (…)
    • A verse like verse 2:256 may forbid the Muslims to force others to convert to Islam, but it doesn’t forbid the Muslims to fight the disbelievers, because they have to pay the jizya if they don’t accept Islam.
  • … Allah doesn’t forbid you to be kind to those who don’t expel you from your House … (60:8)
    • This was revealed before the command to struggle with them (Tafsir al-Jalalayn)
    • This was given in between to a Muslim woman whose to mother wanted to visit, while the peace treaty with the Quraish tribe of Medina (Tafsir Ibn Kathir)
  • If you should raise your hand toward me to kill me – I shall not raise my hand toward you to kill you … (Quran 5:28)
    • this is not a commandment from Allah, but the stories of Abel and Cain (see previous verse 5:27-28)

Greater vs Lesser Jihad

link to a very interesting article about this theme here