Table of Contents
- When appointed anyone Leader of an Army or Detachment, he would say them: when you meet the Polytheisten (unbeliever, your enemies) ask them to accept Islam, if there refuse, ask them to pay the jizya and if they refuse to seek Allah help and fight them (muslim 32:3, abudawud 15:136, ibnmajah 24: 2967, bulugh 11: 1281, bulugh 11: 1308 ) (read also the Surat 9 : 1- 5-6- (besiege them everywhere you find them -if they demand protection give them to teach the Quran)). Jizya == pool_Tax (wiki)
- the Prophet asked the commandant of his Army to fight the polytheists if they refuse to accept Islam or pay the JIZYA, (abudawud 15.136)
- they Muslims have been powerful since Umar embrace Islam (Bukhari 63:89)
- when Mohammed neared to fight a Nation if he heard Adhan(call to prayer) he would postpone the attack and if he did not hear Adhan he would attack them and he did it to Khaibar (a city) (Bukhari 10:8, Muslim 4:11)
- The Prophet sent an army unit of three hundred warriors under the command of Abu ‘Ubaida to ambush/intercept a caravan of the Quraish (Bukhari 72:20, muslim 34:27-28)
- The warriors of Badr received 5000 dirhams per year (bukhari 64:71)
- no equal between the one who sit home and the one who join the bar battle (Bukhari 65:117) confirmed in Quran (Quran 4:95)
- Mohammed urged the Muslims to fight the pagans (the battle of Badr wiki) and Al-Miqdad said that they will no say „go and fight with your Lord“ like the children of Israel said to Mose. The prophet became happy (Bukhari 64:4*, 60:133 ) (God punished the Israelites because they don’t want to fight – Quran 5:24-26)
- At the battle of Uhud, Mohammed said to a man that he will get paradise if he is martyred (Bukhari 64:92)
- at the battle of Uhud, when the enemy advanced and overwhelmed the prophet, he said that “Whoso turns them away, from us will attain Paradise or will be my Companion in Paradise.” and seven Muslims fought and were killed (muslim 32:123)
- Mohammed said: Uhud is a mountain that loves us and which we love. (muslim 15:576-577)
- at the battle of Uhud, some Muslims refused to fight and returned to medina and Allah revealed that: the Muslims don’t have to divide about the hypocrite (Bukhari 65:111)
- the Ansar used to say that they have pledged Allegiance to the Muhammed for jihad (holy war) (Bukhari 63:22*)
- Ansar (Medina Muslims) and immigrants swore allegiance to Muhammad for Islam and Jihad (Holy war) (battle of trench wiki (Bukhari 56: 50-51, 63: 22, 64: 143, 93:61)
- they took the oath to listen and obey the messenger/slave of Allah (Bukhari 93: 60-65) and observe the Jihad while they are envious (Bukhari 93:61)
Jews of Medina
- After the mosque, the prophet went to the jews and said to them that they have to embrace Islam to be protected from Muhammed because he wants to expel them (Bukhari 58:9*, 96:76)
- The Angel Gabriel sent Mohammed to the BANU QURAIZA (jews), to fight them after the battle of Trench (Bukhari 64:166, 64:161-162, 56:29, Muslim 32:79)
- The prophet expels the Jews of Banu Al Nadir and Quraizah after he fights with them. He kills their men and divided their children, women, and properties among the Muslims (Abudawud 20:78)
- Mohamed fight with the jews from Medina and exiled many of them (Bukhari 64:77) (because they violating their peace treaty)
- Ibn Sa`d decide that the warriors of Bani Quraiza have to be killed and their women and kids take as prisoners. Mohammad confirms that it is the judgment of Allah (Sahih al-Bukhari 3043:56:249)
- They (the Companions) examined the captives and those who had begun to grow hair (pubes) were killed, and those who had not were not killed. I was among those who had not grown hair. (abudawud 40:54-55)
Bani Al-Mustaliq
- the Muslims attacked suddenly Bani Mustaliq and fighters were killed, women and children were taken as captives (Bukhari49:25-26)
- Mohammed forbids to practice the coitus interrupted with the captives of the Ghazwa (war) of Bani Al-Mustaliq (wiki) (Bukhari 49:26) (the sex with the captives of war are forbidden in the bible)
- on the day of Khaibar Ali said in a loud voice: Allah’s Messenger, on what issue should I fight with the people? Thereupon he (the Prophet) said: Fight with them until they bear testimony to the fact that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger (Muslim 44:52-54)
- by attacking Khaibar the Prophet said: “hen when it descends in their courtyard, evil will be the morning for those who had been warned” (Quran 37:177) (Bukhari 64:235, nasai 6:552)
- Muhammad conquest, want to expel the Jews, leave them on the condition that they give half their fruit, umar to expel them later (Muslim 22: 6, 41: 19, 57: 60)
- Ali: I will fight until they become like us. And M. Said: „invites them to embrace Islam and informs them about their duties toward Allah“ (Bukhari 64:250, 62:52)
- the Prophet forbade muta marriage at the Battle of Khaibar (Bukhari 90: 8)
- he conquered by force (abudawud 20:91)
Conquest of Mekka
- After the conquest of Mecca, there is no migration now, but if a Muslim leader calls you, you have to respond (Bukhari 58:30, Bukhari 28:14, 56:2*. 63:126, 64:338-340,343)
- After the conquest of Mecca, many tribes Arabs embrace Islam(Bukhari 64:335)
- Mohammed shows his strength with his companions a Mekka.(Bukhari 64:290-291)
- Mohammed dreams of the conquest of mecca (Bukhari 64:125)
- M. destroy the idols in the Ka’ba after the conquest of mecca (Bukhari 64:320-321)
- Mohammed ordered the killing of Ibn Khatal after the conquest of Mecca (muslim 15:512)
- Muhammed asks to destroy the House of Dhu-L-Khalasa(Gottheit wiki). Everyone who was there was killed. The Prophet bless than the people who do that (Bukhari 64:381-383, 63:49, Muslim 44:195-197)
Bani Jadhima
- the prophet sends a military expedition to the tribe of Bani Jadhima for invitations to Islam, but they did not say they embraced Islam command (Khalid ibn Walid) killed some and his subordinates refuse to do the same and the prophet washes his hands from his works (Bukhari 64: 368 *, 93: 51) The purpose of the military expedition was from the guests to Islam (see wiki)
- Mohammed send to attack Huraqat/Al-Huraqa a tribe of Juhaina to confess(Muslim 1:184, 6:374, Bukhari 87:11,)
- Mohammed try to conquer Taif and he fails (Bukhari 64:355*,Bukhari 97:106, 78:114)
- At the battle of Tabuk, the prophet has in mind the idea of threatening Christians of Arabia in Syria and those of Rome (muslim 50:62)
- the king of Aila gives a gift to Mohammed during the Ghazwa of Tabuk and he writes it a peace treaty, allowing him to keep authority over his country (Bukhari 58: 4) he will also pay the jizya (Bukhari 24: 83 *)
- Muslims repent of not attending the battle of Tabuk and are shunned by others until Allah announces the acceptance of their repentance (Bukhari 93:84)
- The Prophet sent Khalid ibn al-Walid to Ukaydir of Dumah(a Christian ruler) and he seized him. He spared his life and made peace with him on condition that he should pay jizyah (poll-tax) (abudawud 20:110)
- M. to Caesar (Emporer at Syria): … embrace Islam and you will be safe … (muslim 32:89)
- A horse of Umar was taken by enemies and after the conquest of the enemies, the horse goes back to Umar and the same happen with a slave and after the conquest of the byzantine slave was taken back to Umar (Bukhari 56:273)
After the death of the prophet
- Mujahid to Umar: I want to emigrate to sham and Umar replied there is not Emigration only jihad (Bukhari 64:340)
- After the death of Muhammed, the Muslims have continued the Jihad and because of no one have embraced Islam by their hands and Allah will reward them for this and will erase their bad deeds by those the (Bukhari 63: 141)
Iraq / As_swad
- The Muslims (Umar, Uthman) have imposed too much Taxation to Iraq (Bukari )
- Umar sends Muslims to great countries to fight the pagans(khosaur-persia). Our prophet orders us to fight till you worship Allah alone or pays the jizya. whoever is killed get to paradise to live a Luxus life, that he has never lived (Bukhari 58:3, Tirmidhi 21:1)
- Mohammed has been commanded (to migrate) to a town (Medina) that would overpower other towns (muslim 15:557, nasai 25:1-2)
- Mohammed said: “Medina is like a furnace which drives away its impurity and purifies what is good.” after an Arab went away canceling his allegiance himself to the prophet (Muslim 15:559)
- Medina the city that will engulf other cities (Bukhari 29: 5)