Table of Contents

Prophecies about Islam

  • Verily the faith would recede to Medina just as the serpent crawls back into its hole. (Muslim 1:280-281)
  • The Hour (Resurrection) will not occur until ‘Allah, Allah’ is not said on earth. (Muslim 1:282-283)
  • an Opening has to be made in the wall of Gog and Magog and the believer shall  be destroyed even though there are pious persons among them, then the evil persons will increase (Bukhari 60:26)  (wall of Gog and Magog in Wiki)



  • A prayer in the mosque of the prophet is a thousand times more excellent than a prayer in any other mosque, except Masjid al-Haram (Mosque of the Ka’ba). (Muslim 15:578-587)
  • One should undertake the journey to three mosques: the mosque of the Ka’ba, the mosque of the prophet, and the mosque of Elia/Aqsa (Bait al-Maqdis). (Muslim 15:588-590)
  • No prayer can be (rightly said) when the food is there (before the worshipper), or when he is prompted by the call of nature. (Muslim 5:84-85)
  • He who eats of this (offensive) plant must not approach our mosque, till its odor dies: (plant signifies) garlic. (Muslim 5:86-97)
  • in His prayer, the prophet seek refuge with Allah from the torment of Hell, grave, the trial of Masih al-Dajjal, the trial of life and death (Muslim 5:163-170)
  • Allah obliterates sins five prayers. (Muslim 5:358)
  • A woman, an ass and a dog disrupt the prayer, but something like the back of a saddle guard against that. (Muslim 4:301)
  • When Satan hears the call to prayer, he runs away to a distance like that of Rauha (36 miles) (Muslim 4:17-23)
  • After the call of the prayer, shaitan comes back and whispers to a man in his hear until he does not know how many (rak’ahs) he has prayed (nasai 13:74-75)
  • Five prayers and from one Friday prayer to (the next) Friday prayer is an expiation (of the sins committed in between their intervals) if major sins are not committed. (Muslim 2:17-19)
  • whoever abandons Salah, he has committed disbelief. (nasai 5:16-17)
  • M: There is no one who prostrates once to Allah (SWT), but Allah (SWT) will raise him one degree thereby and erase one sin thereby.(nasai 12:111)
  • 100 interceptions for death will be accepted (nasai 21:175-177)
  • no sin greater than that of a person forgetting the quranic chapter or verse memorized by him ( abudawud 2.71 – weak Hadith)
  • Allah doesn’t accept the prayer of a woman who doesn’t wear the veil  (abudawud 2.251)
  • M. saw the devil coming in through openings in the row just like a small black sheep while the prayer (abudawud 2.277)
  • the messenger commanded the Muslims to take bath and apply perfume/oil before coming to the Friday prayer (muslim 7:1-)
  • every Friday an angel write the name of the people chronologically according to the time they came to the prayer and when the iman sits they get ready to listen to the sermon (Bukhari 59:22, Muslim 7:34-36)
  • The people who lift their eyes towards the sky in Prayer should avoid it or they would lose their eyesight. (Muslim 4:128-129)
  • If someone passes in front of you during the prayer, you have to push him back, even by force, because it is Satan (Bukhari 8: 156*, 59:83)
  • Mohammed visits the heaven (the 7 heavens) and saw all the other prophets and agree with God to 5 prayers a day for the Muslims with the help of Moses  (Bukhari 59:18, 60.17, 8:1)
  • in Medina, the jews use Horn and the Christians bells to call for the prayer, and M. ordered Bilal to do the call(Adhan) for the prayer (Bukhari 10:1-2, Ibnmajah 3:2, Muslim 4:1, Tirmidhi 2:42, Nasai 7:633)
  • Allah will not accept prayer if we do not do the Hadath (let the wind pass) (Bukhari 90: 2)
  • satan puts 3 knots/links at the back of the head of each one when sleeping at night. and they are defeated when one performs abulition, prayer, and wakes up with good energy (Bukhari 19:23)
  • a man did not rise for prayer and continued to sleep => satan has urine in his ears (Bukhari 19:25)
  • Do not spit in front of either during prayer, because Allah is before (Bukhari 8: 58,63, 66)
  • The Prophet sees people from his back during prayer (Bukhari 8:69)
  • Passing before someone who is praying, it is a great sin (Bukhari 8: 157)
  • if a dog, a donkey or a woman passes next to a person who prays the prayer is canceled => Aischa: you (women) compared to the dog and ane? (Bukhari 8: 158, 161) (what’s a dog, donkey in common with a woman?


  • None of you who uses water for ablution and rinses his mouth snuffs up water and blows it, but the sins of his face, and his mouth and his nostrils fall out. When he washes his face, as Allah has commanded him, the sins of his face fall out from the end of his beard with water. Then (when) he washes his forearms up to the elbows, the sins of his arms fall out along with water from his finger-tips. And when he wipes his head, the sins of his head fall out from the points of his hair along with water. And (when) he washes his feet up to the ankles, the sins of his feet fall out from his toes along with water. (Muslim 6:358)
  • the prayer of a person who doesn’t perform abolition is not valid (abudawud 1:101)

Punishment for no coming to the prayer

  • the prophet ordered to go off in the company of the people who have bundles of firewood to those people who are not present at the prayer and then to burn down their houses with fire. (in some traditions he was thinking) (abudawud 2:158-159, ibnmajah 4:57, 4:61, )
  • Muhammad asks to burn people who do not come to prayer (Bukhari 93:83)
  • the prophet nearly burnt the house of those who didn’t come to the Isha Prayer (nasai 10:72)
  • Every one of us has a mosque of his in his house. If you were to pray in your houses and stay from your mosques. You would abandon the Sunnah (practice) of your prophet, and if you were Abandon the Sunnah (Practice) of your Prophet, you would become an unbeliever. (abudawud 2:160)

The benefit/reward of  praying

  • when any of you performs ablution and does it perfectly, and goes out to the mosque having no intention except praying, and nothing moves him except prayer, then at every step which he takes his rank is elevated by one degree on account of this (walking), and one sin is remitted from him for this (walking), till he enters the mosque. (abudawud 2:169)
  • He who observed two prayers at two cool (hours) would enter Paradise (Muslim 5:274)
  • He who performed ablution and offered two Raklahs of prayer without allowing his thoughts to be distracted, all his previous sins would be expiated. (Muslim 2:5-16)
  • He who performed ablution well, his sins would come out from his body, even coming out from under his nails. (Muslim 2:45)
  • he who takes bath, comes to the Friday prayer,  prays, keeps silence, his sins between that time and the next Friday would be forgiven  and even of three days more (Muslim 7:38)
  • Allah forgive the sins of whoever does Wudu and attend prayer with the others in the congregation or in the masjid (nasai 10:80)
  • the angels intercede for someone when he is praying (Bukhari 34:72)

Ka’ba / Pilgrimage


  • The Ka’ba would be destroyed by an Abyssinian having two small shanks before the end of the world. (Muslim 54:71-73)
  • The Kabah will be destroyed by Dhul-Suwaiqatan (one with thin legs) from Ethiopia. (nasai 24:287)
  • He who came to this House (Ka’ba) (with the intention of performing Pilgrimage), and neither spoke indecently nor did he act wickedly. would return (free from sin) as on the (very first day) his mother bore him. (Muslim 15:495)
  • Abu Bakr announced that the pagans/polytheists [and naked person] are not allowed anymore to near the Ka’aba (Quran 9:28) (Bukhari 65:177-179)
  • Abu Bakr decided that no polytheists and naked people may perform pilgrimage (Muslim 15:491)
  • The Black Stone is from Paradise. (nasai 24:318 – not sahih)

Umra / Hajj

  • It is possible to do Hajj on behalf of one who is incapable of doing it because of chronic illness, old age and the like, or on behalf of one who has died (Muslim 15:455-456)
  • Allah has made Hajj obligatory for the Muslims (Muslim 15:461)
  • from one ‘Umrah to another is an expiation for what comes in between ( nasai 24:11)

Pre Islamic

  • the Arabs in the pre-Islamic period used to worship stones and another better (when they found one and throw the other) and  circumcubated (do Tawaf around it) it (Bukhari 64:401)
  • during the pre-Islamic days, women circumambulated the Ka’aba nakedly unless (Muslim 56:29)
  • Arabs exception of the Hums(Quraish) use to circumambulated the House/nacked unless Hums supplied to them clothes (Muslim 15:164)

Benefit / Reward

  • Touching the 2 corners (in the Kaaba) erases sins (nasai 24:302 – not sahih)
  • An Umra is an expiation for the sins committed between it and the next, and Hajj which is accepted will receive no other reward than Paradise. (Muslim 15:493-494)
  • Perform Hajj and ‘Umrah consecutively; for they remove poverty and sin (nasai 24:12).

Zakat / Charity / Good deeds

  • the owner of a camel, cattle, goats, sheep, or a treasure who, don’t pay his due/zakat, will be on the day of judgment trampled by the camels  with their feet/hooves, gored by his cattle/goats/sheep with their horns, pursued by a snake with the mouth open (because of the treasure) (Muslim 12:28-38)
  • it possible to give charity on behalf of a dead person (Muslim 12:63-64)
  • the people bring the many things as zakat (money, eatables, clothes) and the face of the messenger was glistening of joy (Muslim 12:88)
  • These are those for whom the acceptance of Zakat is forbidden for the members of his family of the prophet (his wives, Ali and his offspring …)  (Muslim 44:55. 58)
  • whoever brought an alms to the prophet, he blessed him and his family (Bukhari 80:29)    
  • The one who steals the Zakat (obligatory charity work) will have to carry a cow or a camel or a sheep on his neck on the day of the resurrection (Bukhari 93:58, 24: 8,63)
  • if a woman gives the property of her husband without permission/wasting he will have half the reward (Bukhari 69:10, 24:43) and also walking it (Bukhari 24: 40, 44)
  • the offspring of Mohammed do not eat what is given in charity (Bukhari 24: 86, 92)
  • Um ‘Atiyya sent mutton meat for Buraira (slave) as a charity and Mohammed declares that she reached her destination, it was the only thing that Aischa had to eat (Bukhari 24: 95-96 *, 51: 4 )
  • Hakim bin Hizam would release 100 slaves and offer 100 camels and after embracing Islam, he would do the same => he embraced Islam with all his good works (Bukhari 49:23)


  • A Muslim is not entitled to inherit from a non-Muslim, and a non-Muslim is not entitled to inherit from a Muslim. (Muslim 23:1)
  • the inheritance of a son is the twice of the daughter, the parents (one-sixth), the wife (one-eighth or one-fourth) and the husband ( one-half, or one-fourth) (Bukhari 65:100)
  • a Muslim may not inherit from an infidel nor an infidel from a Muslim (abudawud 18.25)
  • Fatima (the daughter of the prophet) asked Abu Bakr(the first caliphate) the INHERITANCE(lands at Fadak and  his share from Khaibar) from the prophets and Abu Bakr said to her that Mohammed said that the prophets don’t inherit their properties, it is given in charity (Muslim 32:61-62*63)
  • Muhammed recommends to reduce the inheritance, a third is enough even if it is trot (Bukhari 55: 6)
  • The Prophet at his death had only one donkey, weapons, and ground to give in charity (Bukhari 64: 477) (beautiful)
  • It is not permissible for a Muslim to spend 2 nights without having his written will and ready for him (Bukhari 55: 1)


  • Umar wrote to his governors to relieve every people from paying the jizya if he becomes Muslim … jizya Is impose on the people of the book to humble them(see Quran 9:29) .. to move in a Muslim country a tenth is taken from their trade (Malik 17:46)
  • Umar imposes 4 or 40 dirhams as Jizya respectively to those living where money was gold or silver. They have to provide for the Muslims and receive them as Guests for 3 days (Malik 17:44)
  • Mohammed took Jizya from the magician of Bahrain, Umar from the  Magians of Persia, And Uthman from the Berbers (Malik 17:42)
  • Umar provided protection for the people of other religion by levying jizya on them (weak hadith) (abudawud 20.34)
  • Allah, the Exalted, has placed truth on Umar’s tongue and he speaks it. (abudawud 20.35)   
  • the Prophet asked the commandant of his Army to  fight the polytheists if they refuse to accept Islam or pay the JIZYA,  (abudawud 15.136)
  • the prophet shares the Jizyad of Bahrain with the Muslims (Bukhari 58: 7)
  • The jizya that the Dhimmis must pay is the source of sustenance for Muslims (Word of Umar) (Bukhari 58: 5)
  • taxes/jizya is the convention between Mohammed and the dhimmis (civilians of 2. class – non-muslims) and a source of sustenance for the dependents of Muslims (Bukhari 58: 5 *-6)
  • Jizya is the source of the livelihood of the dependents of Muslims (i.e. taxes from the Dhimmis (non – jews).) (Bukhari 58: 5)
    • May it be one of the causes why Mohammed attacked the Khaybar (it was the garden of the Arabia peninsula) (…)   

Food / Eating / Drinking


  • Do not drink in the golden and silver utensils because his things are for the unbelievers here and for the Muslims in the hereafter (Bukhari 74:59, 77:54.80) the one who makes him fill his belly with the flames of hell (Bukhari 74:60)
  • Do not breathe in the container while drinking water (Bukhari 74:56)
  • Forbidden to drink water-skin or leather containers (Bukhari 74: 51-53)
  • whoever drinks and eats in a vessel of silver or gold drinks or eats down the fire of hell (Muslim 37:1-3)
  • He who hoards is a sinner. (Muslim 22:161-163)
  • when a Muslim doesn’t say the name of  Allah on food, satan says: I have found a meal (Muslim 36:136) did the satan eats?
  • don’t eat or drink with your left hand, for Satan eats or drinks with this hand (Muslim 36:138-141)
  • none should drink while standing  and if anyone forgets he must vomit it (Muslim 36:153)
  • M: forbade the breathing in a vessel (Muslim 36:159)
  • m. commanded the licking of fingers and the dish and saying: you do not know in what portion the blessing lies and not leave it for the satan (Muslim 36:174-182)
  • the messenger of Allah allow eating embryo  (abudawud 16.40)
  • the messenger of Allah prohibited eating the animal which feeds on filth and drinking its milk (abudawud 28.50-52)
  • If the morsel of one of you falls down, he should wipe away anything injurious on it and eat it and not leave it for the devil (abudawud 28.110)

Forbidden  food in their  bible



  • Drinks were forbidden in Medina when it was difficult to find grape-based wine Medina (Bukhari 74: 5-6 * -7, 10,)
  • Some people drank alcoholic beverages in the morning (of the day) of the Uhud battle and on the same day they were killed as martyrs, and that was before wine was prohibited. (Bukhari 65:4618*.4620)
  • “Muslims  did come to prayer in a drunken state” and the Verse of Drunk was revealed (nasai 51:1)
  • the alcoholic drink is that which confuses and stupefies the mind.” (Bukhari 65:4619)
  • Samura (a jew) had sold wine (Mohammed/Allah forbad the consumption/selling of wine) => Mohammed said: “Let there be the curse of Allah upon the Jews” (because they disobey him Allah/Mohammed) (Muslim 22:89*-92)
  • Allah  forbid the Muslims every intoxicant which keeps them away from prayer (Muslim 36:39-40)
  • those who drink wine(alcohol) in this world will not be provided with a pure drink in the hereafter (Muslim 36:92, 96-99)
  • If a man among my Ummah drinks Khamr(alcohol), Allah will not accept his Salah for forty days. (nasai 51:126)
  • Whoever drinks Khamr and does not get intoxicated, his Salah will not be accepted so long as any trace of it remains in his belly or his veins, and if he dies he will die a Kafir. If he becomes intoxicated his Salah will not be accepted for 40 nights, and if he dies during them, he will die a Kafir (nasai 51:130-131)


  • whoever Drink whip him again and again and if he continues to kill him (nasai 51:123-124)
  • after flogging if they drink again a fourth time, kill them (has an) (abudawud 40.132-135)
  • Whoever drinks Khamr and does not get intoxicated, his Salah will not be accepted so long as any trace of it remains in his belly or his veins, and if he dies he will die a Kafir. If he becomes intoxicated his Salah will not be accepted for 40 nights, and if he dies during them, he will die a Kafir (nasai 51:130-131)


  • Umar chased someone because he drinks alcohol (Sunan an-Nasa’i 5676:51:138)
  • the prophet [with other believers] beat a drunk and Abu Bakr gave the drunks 40 lashes (Bukhari 6773: 86: 2-8)


  • The prophets are paternal brothers (Bukhari 60.112-113) (what about Job)
  • the prophet are brothers, sons of one father by co-wives (abudawud 42.80)
  • To so much Israel prophet ruled after another prophet (Bukhari 60: 122 – which is not true because it was the judges and God who then made the kings)
  • After Mohammed, there will be more prophets (Bukhari 60: 122)
  • If a person is killed unjustly, some of the burdens are borne by Caen, because it was the first person killed. (Bukhari 60.10)
  • If anyone believes in Jesus and Muhammad, he will have 2 rewards (Bukhari 60: 116, 60: 106)


  • The Messenger of Allah [SAW] used to tell his wives not to wear jewelry and silk. He said: “If you want the jewelry and silk of Paradise, then do not wear them in this world. (nasai 48:97)
  • For there is no woman among you who wears gold and shows it, but she will be punished because of it (nasai 48:98-100– weak hadiths)
  • M. Forbade the wearing of gold unless it was cute in small pieces (nasai 48:110-121)
  • The children of Israel were destroyed after wearing hairpiece (nasai 48:206)



  • someone can do good and because of the writing of destiny begin to do bad things and go to hell. Another do bad thing and because of the writing of destiny begin to do a good thing a goes to paradise (Muslim 46:1)
  • Allah sends an angel during the big one to write if he will be miserable or blessed and if he is people of fire or paradise (Bukhari 82: 1, Bukhari 59:1997:80)
  • Allah creates some people for paradise and others for Hell (Muslim 46:46-47)
  • the place of the soul is written/destined either in paradise or in the Hellfire and the person does correspondent deeds to his destiny (Bukhari 65:465-469*-471)
  • Everybody will find it easy to do such deeds(good or bad) as will lead him to his destined place(Hell or heaven) for which he has been created (Bukhari 97:176)
  • the devil do lead anyone astray by their temptation except the one who Allah destined to go hell (Abu Dawud 42.19 . .21)
  • Allah predestinates the fortune and misfortune of people (Muslim 46:6)
  • Allah decides if a person will be an evil or a good person (Muslim 46:8-9., 46:15)
  • God decides sex if a man will be blessed or miserable in religion and an angel writes that in the womb of the woman (Bukhari 60: 8)
  • what did Jesus say?
    • Jesus said that the father wants everyone to be saved (…)
    • why will God punish people who He created himself for hell?
    • it contradicts the Islamic narrative: life is a test.


  • Moses Blame Adam for a Thing/sin which was written/ordained before his creation (Bukhari 65:260)
  • a rich man who does goods out of obedience of Allah and then Allah sends him Satan whereupon he commits sins till all his good deeds are lost. (Bukhari 65:61)    




  • the semen of men remain 40 days in the womb of a woman (Muslim 46:1-12)
  • if a man’s discharge proceeded that of the woman, then the child resembles the father, and if the woman’s discharge proceeded that of the man, then the child resembles the mother. (Bukhari 65:7)
  • the throne of Allah was upon water before he created Heaven and earth 15 000 years before (Muslim 46:27-28)
  • the eyes of a dead person are fixedly open because when the soul leaves the body, his eyesight follows the soul (Muslim 11:10-)
  • a man slept the whole night and the prophet said that the devil has urinated in his ears (Muslim 6:245)

Winter / Summer

  • It is extreme heat (in summer) and extreme cold (in winter), because of two exhalations of the Hell in the year(winter, summer) allowed by Allah after hellfire complains that some parts of him have consumed the others (Muslim 5:237-239)
  • severe head and bitter cold in weather is because the hellfire take 2 breaths in the winter and in summer (Bukhari 59:70)
  • intense heat is a breeze from Hell (nasai 6:504505)


  • the sun sets in a spring of warm water (Hamiyah). (abidawud 32:34)
  • (sun) in a spring of murky water (abudawud 32.18)
  • the sun It goes and prostrates underneath (Allah’s) Throne and Allah said: And the sun runs on its fixed course for a term (decreed)… (Quran 36:38)(Bukhari 65:324, Muslim 1:306),   
  • the sun goes till it prostrates underneath the throne and takes the permission to rise again (Bukhari 59:10, 97:52)
  • the fixed course of the sun is underneath the throne of Allah (Bukhari 97:60)   
  • The sun glides to its resting place under the throne (Muslim 1:309)


  • the sun eclipsed are the signs of Allah which he sends to frighten thereby his servants. so we have to hasten and supplicate him and beg for pardon [or observe prayer] and the prophet used to pray at the time (Muslim 10:26*-28 read Muslim 10)
  •  the eclipse is a sign of God, if Muslims see it, they must pray (Bukhari 16: 3, 1, 8, 16 * -23, 67: 131) also to frighten the faithful (Bukhari 16:9)


  • the moon was split into 2 parts during the lifetime of the prophets and one side was behind a mountain and the other side was on this side of the mountain (Muslim 52:28-34)


  • Mohammed worries when the wind blows because it can be a sign of the anger of Allah. (Bukhari 15:29)
  •  Allah will not accept prayer if we do not do the Hadath (let the wind pass) (Bukhari 90: 2)


  •   Saihan, Jaihan, Euphrates, and Nile are all among the rivers of Paradise (Muslim 52:30)


  • no one knows when it’s going to rain (Bukhari 15:34) with science It’s possible today


  • Allah created the trees on Monday and the light on Wednesday (light after trees)[others: clay(Saturday), mountains(Sunday), trees(Monday), things entailing labor (Tuesday), light(Wednesday) animals(Thursday), Friday(Adam-human)](Muslim 52:10)


  • the baby cry at birth because when they birth satan strike them except Mary and Jesus (Muslim 46:40, 60:102)
  • Allah has appointed an Angel in the Womb (of a woman) and he says „o lord a drop by a discharge (of semen), then a clot and then a piece of flesh“ (Bukhari 60:8) really is there an angel in the womb of a woman?
  • Bleeding comes from the blood vessels and not menstruation (Bukhari 6: 25. 30. 32.11)
  • Adam was 30 meters to his creation and the size of the sunless hoes until today (Bukhari 79: 1)
  • … while you were in the backbone of Adam  …. (We come from(spermatozoon) the backbone of Adam) (Bukhari 81:146, 60:9) confirmed in the Quran
  • the first thing in the stomach of a newborn child was the saliva of the prophet (Mohammed chewed dates and put its juice in the mouth of a baby) (Bukhari 63:136)
  • a Muslim should not clean his penis with the right hand and breathe in the drinking utensils when he drinks water (Bukhari  4:19-20)
  • a child said who is his father (a shepherd) after his mother lied about Juraij (a man from Israel). Another suckling child speak and ask Allah don’t make him like a passing rider but like a slave girl and explained that the rider is a tyrant(Bukhari 60:107*. 133)
  • the deaths can hear but they have not powered to make any reply (Muslim 53:91-93)
  • When one of you yawns, he should keep his mouth shut with the help of his hand, for it is the devil that enters therein. (Muslim 55:74-77)
  • the boy’s urine is from water and clay, and the girl’s urine is from flesh and blood (ibn Majah 1:259)

Animals (about animals in general)

  • monkeys stoned a she-monkey because it has committed illegal sexual intercourse and Amr bin Maimun (narrator) stoned it with them (Bukhari 63:75)
  • A talking cow and wolf (Bukhari 60: 138)
  • the crowing of a cock = they have seen an angel  and the braying of a donkeys = they have seen Satan (Bukhari 59:111)
  • Mohammed forbade the selling of dogs and cats (Muslim 22:54)
  • black dog is a devil (Muslim 4:299)
  • the prophet gave the command to kill dogs and the Muslims didn’t spare any of them [execpt them for hunting and watching of herd/fields/domestics animals] (Muslim  22:55 – 57*-61, Muslim 2:119-120*)
  • He who kept a dog other than one meant for hunting or for watching the herd, lost two Qirats of his reward every day. (Muslim 22:62-76)
  • Mohammed said: O man of the desert, verily Allah cursed or showed wrath to a tribe of Bani Isra’il and distorted them to beasts which move on the earth. He didn’t it lizard because it can be one of them (Muslim 34:72-73)
  • The Prophet said: If anyone kills a gecko with the first blow, such and such number of good deeds will be recorded for him (abudawud 43:491)
  • kill a man who has sex with an animal  (abudawud 40.114.)



  • For every calamity (fatigue, illness, sorrow, sadness, pain) that strikes a Muslim => God expiates some of his sins (Bukhari 75:1. 2 *)
  • Mohammed is sick because God will give him a double reward (Bukhari 75: 8, 21, 22, 28) –
  • If God wants to do good to someone, He puts it to the test (Bukhari 75: 5)
  • A woman with epilepsy came to see Mohammed ask him to invoke Allah for her and he answers that she must be patient (bear) and she will go to paradise (Bukhari 75:12)
  • When a slave gets sick he receives a reward / as he did a good egg (Sahih al-Bukhari 2996: 56: 205)
  • Allah likes sneezing and the one, who sneezes, praises Allah (Bukhari 78:247-250)


  • the plague a way to punish some nations (Bukhari 90:21) in the Bible also OT

Cause of some sickness

  • the yawning is from Satan and it laughs at the person who yawns (Bukhari 78:247)
  • Fever is from the hellfire [and through it Allah relieve us from the hellfire] (Bukhari 76:38*, 40-41, 59:71)
  • The fever from the vehement raging of the (heat of Hell), so cools it with the help of water. (Muslim 39:105-114)

Medecin / cure / prevention

  • The one who eats 7 Ajwa dates will not be affected by poison and magic (Bukhari 70:74, 76:82-83 .91)
  • he who eat seven dates in the morning, poison and magic can not harm him on that day (Muslim 36:212-215)
  • Someone had abdominal trouble => let him drink honey and he was cured (Bukhari 76:7)
  • The black cumin(wiki) heals all diseases (Bukhari 76:10-11)
  • The water of  truffles heals eye diseases (Bukhari 76:28)
  • the juice of truffles is medicine for the eyes and was sent down to the people of Israel (Muslim 36:216-222)
  • when a fly alights in anyone’s vessel, he should plunge it all in, for in one of its wings there is a disease, and in the other is a cure. It prevents the wing of it in which there is a cure, so plunge it all in (the vessel) (abudawud 28.109)
  • the best medical treatment you apply is cupping (abudawud 29.3)
  • wine is not a medicine but a disease (abudawud 29.19)
  • the dust of our earth, mixed with the saliva of us, remedy our sick is with the permission of our lord. (abudawud 29.41)
  •   … the earth and saliva of some of us cure our patient … (Bukhari 76:60)
  • a man is sick, was brought to the prophet, he blesses him with his hand and perform ablution and let him drink the remaining water (Bukhari 61:50, 75:31)
  • the climate of medina don’t suit to some person and M. Conseil them to drink milk and urine (Bukhari 76:8-9. 42*)
  • M. allowed the treatment of Poison( from a snake) with Ruqya (Quran wiki) (Bukhari 76:56)
  •   In the wing of a fly is a disease and in the other the healing (the antidote for it) (Bukhari 76:83)
  • the climate of medina don’t suit to some person and M. Conseil them to drink milk and urine (Bukhari 76:8-9. 42*)
    •   and they killed the shepherd and drove the camels => M. made cut their hands, feet and their eyes were branded with a headed piece of iron
  • Mohammed said that: Nigella seed is a remedy for every disease except death (Muslim 39:118-120)
  • the water of Al-Kam’a is a cure for eye diseases. (Bukhari 65:161)


  • if someone has a bad dream (from satan) he should spit 3 times on his left (Bukhari 59:101, 76:62, 91:14*-23, 58) why spit on his left?    
  • the dream prophet of a black woman who comes out of medina for Mahai’a and interprets it as the symbol of an (Al-Juhfa) who is transferred from medina to that place (Bukhari 91: 52-54)

About Arabs tribes

  • The child (i.e. Ishmael) grew up and learned Arabic from some families (Jurhum) (it means Arabs are not offspring from Ismael)  (Bukhari 60:43)
  • The Arabs were not the best before Islam and now are the best after the knowledge of Islam (Bukhari 60:33)
  • Who is the most honorable among the ancestors of the Arabs and Mohammed does not answer (Bukhari 60:53) the Arabs have diverse origins (Bukhari 60:57)

Fasting: Ramadan


  • the Quraish used to fast in the day in the day of Ashura  => Muhammed ordered to fast this day (Bukhari 30:3)
  • in Ramadan the gates of paradise are opened and those of hell are closes and the devils are chained (Bukhari 59:86) (why there is the devil in Ramadan)    
  • the Quraish people used to fast on the day of Ashura in the pre-Islamic days and the prophets observed this fast and commanded others to observe it till the fasting  during the month of Ramadan was made obligatory, it becomes not obligatory (Muslim 13:143-161)
  • the jews used to fast on the day of Ashura because of the victory of Moses over Pharaon. The prophet said that they are more connected to Moses than the jews and he commanded them to observe fast on this day (Muslim 13:162-169)
  • If anyone dies in a state (that he had to complete) some fasts, his heir must fast on his behalf.[ a woman asks if she can do it for her mother who died without  observing fast](Muslim 13:198-207)
  • Mohammed said: If anyone forgets that he is fasting and eats or drinks he should complete his fast, for it is only Allah Who has fed him and given him drink. (Muslim 13:222)

Benefit / Reward

  • Fasting on the day of ‘Arafa may atone for the sins of the preceding and the coming years, and I seek from Allah that fasting on the day of Ashura may atone for the sins of the preceding year. (Muslim 13:252-253)
  • The one who fasts for Allah, Allah will keep him from the hellfire  (Bukhari 56:56)

Authority: Obedience to the ruler and Muhammed

  • Obligatory to listen and obey the orders of the Rulers  unless these orders involve one disobedience to Allah (Bukhari 56:167-168)
  • those who obey/disobey Mohammed, obey/disobey Allah [and the same with commanders appointed by Muhammed] (Muslim 33:46-51)
  • who disapproves the leaders will die as those who die in the pre-Islamic  Period of Ignorance (Sinner) (Bukhari 92:6)
  • True faith is to love Muhammad more than his father and his children (Bukhari 2: 7)

Mord / Killing

  • 2 Muslims who fight will get in Hell Fire, who to have killed a Muslim and the other (killed) because he wants to kill the other Muslim (Bukhari 92:34, 2:24)
  • non-blood money for someone killed by an animal (Bukhari 87:50-51) in OT the animal is killed and the master of the times
  • the person who kills a Muahid (a protege) does not go to heaven (Bukhari 87:52)
  • a killer will burden the sin of his victim if he is forgiven (abudawud 41.6-8)

God and  the Human

  • The right of Allah on his slave is that he must worship him. The right of a slave on Allah is that he will not punish him (Bukhari 56:72)

Wedding / Marriage  / Divorce


  • Marrying a Christian lady  is awful (Bukhari 68:34)
  • it is unlawful to marry a Christian lady or a Jewess (Bukhari 68:34)
  • a husband can divorce his wife if he finds something unpleasant like the old one and she can ask him to keep it and to be able to do it for himself (Bukhari 53: 5) (in the bible god likes hoes to leave the woman of their youth)
  • Mohammed asked someone why he dit marry a matron instead of a [young] virgin girl (to play with her and she with you )(Bukhari 67:18, 80:82, 34:50)
  • a woman can not remarry her first/Ex-husband except the current Husband(even if he is impotent) has not consummated his marriage with her (Bukhari 68:11 .15*)
  • A woman can not remarry her former husband until the current one has tasted her sweetness as the first one had tasted (Muslim 16:134)
  • people considered their worship insufficient(god has forgiven the past and future sins of M.) and decided to fast and pray and keep away from women(marriage). => M. said the one who doesn’t follow my tradition is not from me (a follower, because he married, and breakfast) (Bukhari 67:1)
  • One should not combine a woman and her father’s sister, nor a woman and her mother’s sister in marriage. (Muslim 16:40-48)
  • None amongst you should outbid another in a transaction, nor should he make proposals of marriage upon the proposal made by someone else. (Muslim 16:57-66)
  • For the virgin woman, (her husband has to stay with her) for a week, and for the woman previously married it is three days. (Muslim 17:56. 59)
  • If anyone amongst Muslims intends to go to his wife he should ask Allah for protection from Satan and if He has ordained a male child for them, Satan will never be able to do any harm to him. (Muslim 16:136-137)
  • the jews used to say that if a man has intercourse with his wife on her back, the child will have a squint. So Allah revealed: your wives are your tilth; go then unto your tilth as you may desire (Quran 2:223) (Muslim 16:138-140)
  • someone embrace Islam as dowry to marry a woman (nasai 26:145-146)

Muttah (temporarily Marriage)

Music / Instrument

Satan / Dajjal


  • the yawning is from Satan and it laughs at the person who yawns (Bukhari 78:247)
  • satan knots 3 knots while the sleep  … and they have undone while the abolition, the prayer, and awakening with every (Bukhari 59:79, 19:23)
  • A man didn’t stay up for the prayers  => satan urined in the ears of a man who slept till morning …(and don’t. Stand up for the prayer) (Bukhari 19:25*, 59:80)
  • In sexual relation always said: “in the name of Allah…” unless satan will harm the child (Bukhari 59:81 .92, 67:100, 97:25)
  • affliction will verily emerge hence where the Satan appears (Bukhari 59:88)
  • when nightfalls devil spread out ..don’t let the children out and close the door because satan doesn’t open a closed door and mention the name of Allah upon the utensils … (Bukhari 59:89. 112, 74:49)
  • by birth, satan touches the baby with at both sides of the body (Bukhari 59:95)
  • one looks to the Muslims => it  is satan who try to steal the prayers of one of them (Bukhari 59:100)
  • When anyone of you awakes up from sleep and performs ablution, he must clean his nose three times, for the devil spends the night in the interior/upper of his nose. (Muslim 2:31, Bukhari 59:104)
  • the horns of Satan will appear (Muslim 54:58-68)
  • someone saw the throne of Iblis upon the water (Muslim 54:112)
  • Satan runs away from the house in which Surah Baqara is recited (Muslim 6:252)
  • After the call of the prayer, shaitan comes back and whispers to a man in his hear until he does not know how many (rak’ahs) he has prayed (nasai 13:74-75)
  • … the fourth bed is for the Shaitan… (nasai 26:190)


  • The Dajjal is one-eyed [and Noah warns his nation against him] (Bukhari 60:13, 97:36 )
  • the Ad-Dajjal will be one-eyed (Bukhari 92:70. 74. 78) in 74 no prophet has said before him, but Noah warned his people from him?
  • The Dajjal is the antichrist (Muslim 5:161 – in Abudawud many times)
  • the Muslims thought that The Dajjal will appear after the conquest of Syrian Territory (muslim 54:50. )
  • Allah never sent a prophet to warn them of the one-eyed Dajjal (Bukhari 97:37)
  • the Ad-Dajjal will not enter in medina, it will have 7 gates and 2 angels at each gate (Bukhari 92:72*.80-81)
  • he will have water and fire with/on him (Bukhari 92:77)
  • There are at the approaches of Medina angels so that plague and the Dajjal shall not penetrate into it. (Muslim 15:554-555)
  • the Dajjal would have with him water and fire and his fire would have the effect of cold water and his water would have the effect of fire(Muslim 54:130-132)
  • A Muslim was taken as the Dajjal and he said that the Dajjal will be a jew (Muslim 54:115)
  • Mohammed saw the Dajjal  making a circuit around the Ka’bah (Muslim 1:333)


  • Angel doesn’t get in a house where there is a picture(of a living creature) or a dog (Bukhari 59:36-38. 128)
  • Gabriel (angel) has 600 wings (Bukhari 59:43)
  • He who eats of this offensive plant(onion, leek, garlic) must not approach our mosque, for the angels are harmed by the same things as men. (Muslim 5:90-92)
  • Gabriel doesn’t visit Muhammed, because there is a dog in his house and the angel doesn’t enter a house where there are a dog and image. [After the prophet commanded the killing of dogs except the dogs meant for the protection of fields ] (Muslim 37:126-131)
  • Angels don’t enter the house where is a dog or a picture(the image of a creature which has souls) (Bukhari 64:53, 34:58, 77:165)
  • angels do not accompany the travelers who have with them a dog and a bell (Muslim 36:157)
  • Gabriel has six hundred wings (Bukhari 65:377-378, Muslim 1:340-341) ,
  • angels don’t accompany groups of people who have small bells (nasai 48:180-183)
  • the angels don’t … (abudawud 35.18)
  • the angels intercede for someone when he is praying (Bukhari 34:72) (when an angel really intercede?)



  • The Messenger of Allah [SAW] forbade us from combing our hair every day. (nasai 48:15. 19)
  • An odd number of stones are to be used for cleaning (the private parts after answering the call of nature) (Muslim 15:347)
  • It is forbidden to face the Qibla at the time of excretion or urination or cleansing with the right hand. (Muslim 2:73-79, Bukhari 8:46)
  • Do not touch his penis with the right hand while urinating (Bukhari 74:56)
  • When anyone amongst you enters the privy he should not touch his penis with his right hand. (Muslim 2:80-81)
  • When a dog drinks out of a vessel belonging to any one of you, he must wash it seven times. (Muslim 2:114-118)
  • None amongst you should urinate in standing water and then wash in it. (Muslim 2:122-123)
  • Aisha used to scrape off the (drop of) semen from the garment of the Messenger of Allah (Muslim 2:134-140)


  • Spitting at the mosque is a sin (Bukhari 8:65)
  • request to dethrone the graves of the pagans to build a mosque (Bukhari 29: 2)
  • every Friday an angel write the name of the people chronologically according to the time they came to the prayer and when the iman sits they get ready to listen to the sermon (Bukhari 59:22)
  • whoever eats garlic should not approach the mosque (Bukhari 70:80-81)

Judgment day

  • at the judgment day prophets will refuse to intercede for the people: Adam (because of his sin – eating the apple), Noah (he will remember his sin), Abraham (because of his sin), Mose(sin too), Jesus (is not fit – no because of sins), except Mohammed (because Allah has forgiven his future and past sins) and he will intercede and remove many people from the hellfire to the paradise (Bukhari 81:154, 97:39*.66.135). why only M. though he has sins like the other prophet?
    • …. angel prostrated bevor Adam …. why?
  • the people will ask the prophets to intercede for them  on the day of judgment and Moses, Abraham, Noah because of their sins will not be able to do that, by Jesus was mentioned no sin, and Mohammed will intercede for them because Allah had forgiven his earlier and later sins (Bukhari 65:240 .234)
  • On the day of judgment, the traitors will have flags on their backs to be recognized (Bukhari 58: 28-29)
  • someone will be shipped on the day of judgment for lying on his slave (Bukhari 86:81)
  • The one who steals the Zakat (obligatory charity work) will have to carry a cow or a camel or a sheep on his neck on the day of resurrection (Bukhari 93:58, 24: 8, 63)
  • Muslims will take revenge on those who have committed injustices on earth when they are on the bridge between heaven and hell (Bukhari 46: 1)

Paradise / Hell


  • the paradise is the  Mercy of Allah which he bestows on whoever I wish of my servants and the hell is punishment by which he punishes whoever I wish of my slaves (Bukhari 65:371)
  • Allah will say to a  man: Go and enter Paradise and he will say: perceive as if it were full (Muslim 1:368-369)
  • a Keeper will stay for the gate of Paradise because Noone must enter the paradise before Mohammed (He has to enter first) (Muslim 1:394)
  • Whoever asks Allah for Paradise three times, Paradise will say: ‘O Allah, admit him to Paradise.’ And whoever seeks protection from Hell three times, Hell will say: ‘O Allah, protect him from the Fire (nasai 50:94)
  • the hell get fill first and then Allah will do new creation to fill paradise (Bukhari 65:371)
  • when someone died, it is showed him his place in paradise or hell every morning and evening till the day of resurrection (nasai 21:254-256)
  • That which is between my house” and my pulpit is a garden from the gardens of Paradise. (Muslim 15:572-574)
  • the believers will hold on to the bridge between hell and paradise and mutual retaliation for their wrong deeds and after their purification, they will be admitted to paradise (Bukhari 81:124)


Reward / Description


  • the utensils in paradise are in silver or gold … (Bukhari 65:400)
  • Everyone in paradise will have 2 wives(Houris) and no one will be without wives in paradise (Muslim 53:16, Tirmidhi 4:11:2522 <-> 37: 2522, Tirmidhi 38:2730)
  • Everyone in paradise will have 72 wives (2 Houris and the other from Hell) and their male member (penis) will never become safe (erected) (ibnmajah 37:238 [weak Hadith])
  • there is a wet nurse in paradise for Ibrahim, the son of the prophet who died in his childhood (Bukhari 78:218-219)
  • the first people to enter paradise will have  utensils will be of gold and their combs of gold and silver and they will have 2 wives (Bukhari 59:56*-57. 64)
  • someone will ask Allah to allow cultivate the land (he like to do so) => this person is from Quraish or Ansar because they are farmers (Bukhari 97:144)

Women in paradise

  • A martyr receives forgiveness, see his place in paradise, is spared from the torment of the grave and is married to 72 wives [from among the wide-eyed houris] and can intercede for seventy of his relatives (Tirmidhi 22:46*, ibnmajah 24:47
  • (Hasan, good, not Sahih))
  • People in paradise will have combs of gold, braziers/censers will be pearls/aloes and their wives (2) will be houris/large-eyed maidens and will have the form of Adam 60 cubits tall (ibnmajah 37:234*, Bukhari 60:2, riyadussaliheen 20:14, Bukhari 59:57)
  • The least of the people of paradises will have 80 000 servants and 72 wives (Tirmidhi 38:2760 – da’if/weak- weak hadith)
  • After visiting the market in paradise … they will return to their wives and they will say you have increased in beauty … (riyadussaliheen 20:21, ibnmajah 37:237)
  • Amongst the inhabitants of Paradise, the lowest in rank will  enter his house and his two wives with large and dark eyes would enter after him and praise Allah for them (Muslim 1:371)
  • Everyone will have 2 wives [from the houris] and there will be none without a wife in paradise (Bukhari 59:64, 53:16 Tirmidhi 38:2730, 38:27334:11:2522 <-> 37:2714  (after 2713) riyadussaliheen 20:14)
  • People in paradise will have 2 wives and will visit[and enjoy] them  and they will not be able to see one another [in the other corner] [no jealousy] (riyadussaliheen 20:17, Bukhari 65:400
  • *, 59:56)
  • Paradise description for the people who strive (jihad) for that. There is nothing like the paradise:  it is sparkling light, sweet basil waving in the breeze, a lofty palace, a flowing river, abundant ripe fruit, a beautiful wife and many fine garments, in a palace of eternal abode, in ease and luxury, in beautiful, strongly-built, lofty houses.(ibnmajah 37:233 – weak hadiths)
  • In Paradise there is a pavilion made of a single hollow pearl sixty miles wide, in each corner of which there are wives who will not see those in the other corners; and the believers will visit and enjoy them (Bukhari 65:400)


  • a dead kid will receive 2 foster mothers in paradise to complete his suckling period in paradise (Muslim 43:84)
  • Small children are the fowls of Paradise. If one of them meets his father (or he said his parents) he would take hold of his cloth And he (the child) would not take off (his hand) from it until Allah causes his father to enter Paradise. (Muslim 45:198)

How to get here

  • whoever pray, fast, do charity, do jihad will call to the gates of prayer, fasting, charity, jihad (to enter paradise). it is possible to get through all these gates at the same time and M. encourages Abu Bakr to do so (Bukhari 62:18, 30:7,  Muslim 12:108)
  • Gabriel said to Mohammed, those who don’t associate anything with Allah, go to paradise even if he has committed fornication or drank wine (Muslim 12:41-42)
  • He who observed two prayers at two cool (hours) would enter Paradise (Muslim 5:274)
  • among the followers(70.000) of M., some will enter paradise without being asked for their accounts. Some Muslims ask M. to invoke Allah to include them among this person (Muslim 1:428-436*, Bukhari 77:26)
  • Good deeds do not enter paradise, except favor and mercy => be moderate with your religious actions (Bukhari 75:34)
  •  Umar affirms/confirms (for paradise) funeral processions, Allah admits to heaven each Muslim so 2-4 witnesses affirm/confirm the good character (Bukhari 52: 7 (6)) (we decide who goes to paradise apparently)
  • whoever memorize  by heart the 99 names of Allah (Bukhari 97:21, 54:23)
  • The one who fasts for Allah, Allah will keep him from the hellfire  (Bukhari 56:56)
  • whoever is martyred will go to paradise (Bukhari 97:155)
  • the one who worships Allah alone will go to paradise (even if he committed theft or illegal sexual intercourse) (Bukhari 59:33. 97:113, 81:32-33, 43:4, 77:44)
  • whoever obeys M. will enter the paradise otherwise the person will no come in (Bukhari 96:12)
  • the believers will hold on to the bridge between hell and paradise and mutual retaliation for their wrong deeds and after their purification, they will be admitted to paradise (Bukhari 81:124)

Stories:  Mohammed in paradise

  • Mohammed saw in paradise a golden palace with a woman who makes the abortion, the angels told him that it was for Omar and after knowing that he was crying because of the Ghira (Bukhari 91:40 [39 – 43])



  • The fire(of this world) which sons of Adam burn are only one-seventieth part of the Fire of Hell (Muslim 53:34)
  • a stone(thrown in hellfire) slipped down seventy years constantly before reaching its base (Muslim 53:36-37)
  • There will be some to whose ankles the fire will reach, some to whose knees, some to whose waist the fire will reach, and some to whose collarbone the fire will reach. (Muslim 53:38-40)
  • A man may be placed in the shallow part of the Fire which would reach his ankles and his brain would be boiling. (Muslim 1:421-425)
  • Punishment of the least person in the hellfire: a smoldering ember will be placed under the arch of his feet so that his brain will boil just like Al-Mirjal (copper vessel) or a Qum-qum (narrow-necked vessel) is boiling with water.(Bukhari 81:150-151*)
  • hell and paradise will be full [and the hell filled up will say: enough, enough, enough. Allah will create another creation for the paradise to accommodate it] (Muslim 53:41-49)
  • The distance of the two shoulders[or the thickness of his skin] of the non-believer in Hell will be a three-day journey for a swift rider (Muslim 53:54-55)
  • the prophet saw in the hell someone dragging his intestines to hell (Bukhari 65:146)


  • the Believer should not aspire for Paradise, but he should earnestly desire to be rescued from Hell (Muslim 50:27)
  • the prophet saw someone, dragging his Intestines in Fire (Muslim 53:61-62)
  • The fire of hell will ask if there are still people … until God says it’s enough (Bukhari 83:39)
  • When a person dies, he is shown his seat(in paradise or Hellfire) morning and evening (Muslim 53:80-81)
  • It is extreme heat (in summer) and extreme cold (in winter), because of two exhalations of the Hell in a year(winter, summer) allowed by Allah after he complains that some parts of him have consumed the others (Muslim 5:237-239)
  • Severe head and bitter cold in weather is because the hellfire take 2 breaths in the winter and in summer (Bukhari 59:70)
  • The fever is from the hellfire (Bukhari 59:71-74)

Who goes therein

  • a Christian or a Jew who does not affirm his belief in that with which I have been sent and dies in this state (of disbelief) (Muslim 1:293)
  • Instead of a Muslim Allah would admit  in Hell-Fire a Jew or a Christian (Muslim 50:57-58*-60)
  • a woman was punished/sent to Hell because of a cat that she kept tied till it died and didn’t provide it with food and drink (Muslim 39:203-209, Bukhari 59:124, 60:149, 42:13)

Right of Allah over Muslim

  • The right of Allah over His bondsmen is to be worshiped alone and the right of the bondsmen over Allah That He would not punish them (Muslim 1:50-53)



  • who do prayers the night of Qadr and fast at the Ramadan his sins will be deleted (Bukhari 30:11)
  • Fasting on the day of ‘Arafa may atone for the sins of the preceding and the coming years, and I seek from Allah that fasting on the day of Ashura may atone for the sins of the preceding year. (Muslim 13:252-253)
  • Uthman performs abolition like the Prophete and said that the one who does it like that and offers 2 Rakats will be in paradise (Bukhari 30:41)
  • He who performed ablution and offered two Raklahs of prayer without allowing his thoughts to be distracted, all his previous sins would be expiated. (Muslim 2:5-16)
  • He who performed ablution well, his sins would come out from his body, even coming out from under his nails. (Muslim 2:45)
  • The prophet said:  None of you who uses water for ablution and rinses his mouth, snuffs up water and blows it, but the sins of his face, and his mouth and his nostrils fall out. When he washes his face, as Allah has commanded him, the sins of his face fall out from the end of his beard with water. Then (when) he washes his forearms up to the elbows, the sins of his arms fall out along with water from his fingertips. And when he wipes his head, the sins of his head fall out from the points of his hair along with water. And (when) he washes his feet up to the ankles, the sins of his feet fall out from his toes along with water. (Muslim 6:358)
  • Allah forgive the sins of whoever do wudu and attend prayer with the others in the congregation or in the masjid (nasai 10:80)
  • if someone recites “….” with faith and dye => he will be among the people of the paradise (it is the most superior way of asking forgiveness from Allah)(Bukhari 80:8 .10 .20)
  • God forgives the sins of a woman because she gave water to a thirsty dog (Bukhari 59:127, 78:40, 60: 134)
  • Allah forgives a man because he came closer to a village (Bukhari 60:137)
  • An Umra is an expiation for the sins committed between it and the next, and Hajj which is accepted will receive no other reward than Paradise. (Muslim 15:493-494)
  • from one ‘Umrah to another is an expiation for what comes in between ( nasai 24:11)
  • Perform Hajj and ‘Umrah consecutively; for they remove poverty and sin (nasai 24:12).
  • he who climbed the hill of Murar, his sins would be obliterated (Muslim 51:15)
  • He who came to this House (Ka’ba) (with the intention of performing Pilgrimage), and neither spoke indecently nor did he act wickedly. would return (free from sin) as on the (very first day) his mother bore him. (Muslim 15:495)
  • the one who does the Hajj before the Kaaba will go out without sin (Bukhari 27:14)
  • he who takes bath, comes to the Friday prayer,  prays, keeps silent, his sins between that time and the next Friday would be forgiven  and even of three days more (Muslim 7:38)
  • he who observe prayer at night during Ramadan with faith and seeking reward, his previous sins would be forgiven (Muslim 6:207-210)
  • If anyone extols Allah after every prayer thirty-three times … his sins will be forgiven even If these are as abundant as the foam of the sea. (Muslim 5:188-189)
  • Allah obliterates sins’ five prayers. (Muslim 5:358)
  • If a Muslim runs a thorn or (gets into trouble) severe than this, there is assured for him (a higher) rank and his sins are obliterated (Muslim 45:59-65)
  • Never a believer is stricken with discomfort, hardship or illness, grief, or even with mental worry that his sins are not expiated for him. (Muslim 45:66-67)
  • Don’t curse fever for it expiates the sin of the children of Adam just as a furnace removes the alloy of iron. (Muslim 45:68)
  • A woman was sick and Mohammed said to her: Show endurance as you can do and there would be Paradise for you or supplicate Allah to cure you and she answered that she is prepared to show endurance (Muslim 45:69)
  • one of the steps of Muslim to obligatory acts (would be significant)  would obliterate his sin and the second one would raise his status. (Muslim 5:357)
  • When someone says:”…” after an Imam, he says synchronizes with what the angels say, his past sins will be forgiven. (Muslim 4:76-82)
  • Five prayers and from one Friday prayer to (the next) Friday prayer is an expiation (of the sins committed in between their intervals) if major sins are not committed. (muslim 2:17-19)
  • a man who purifies himself am Friday, come to the Friday prayer and listens attentively, it will be done expiation for what came before it the week before. (nasai 14:40)
  • Whoever sends salah upon the prophet once, Allah (SWT) will send salah upon him tenfold, and will erase ten sins from him, and will raise him ten degrees in status (nasai 13:119)
  • Whoever says the tasbih one hundred times following the morning prayer, and the tahlil one hundred times, he will be forgiven his sins even if they are like the foam of the sea (nasai 13:176 – weak hadith)
  • Whoever prays Qiyam during Ramadan out of faith and in the hope of reward, he will be forgiven his previous sins. (nasai 20:5-6, 22:102-121)
  • The Black Stone is from Paradise. (nasai 24:318 – not sahih)
  • Two Muslims will not meet and shake hands having their sins forgiven them before they separate. (abudawud 43:440)
  • If anyone eats food and then says: “Praise be to Allah Who has fed me with this food and provided me with it through no might and power on my part,” he will be forgiven his former and later sins. (abudawud 34.4)
  • Allah is merciful to those who get their head shaved (Bukhari 25:205-206)
  • Medina clears one sin from another (Bukhari 64:96)

Allah wants the believer to sin to forgive them

  • .. If they don’t commit sin, Allah will sweep you and replace you with another one who does it and ask him for forgiveness .. (Muslim 50:13)
  • if the Muslims don’t commit sins, Allah will replace them with another creation which will commit sins and ask him for forgiveness (Muslim 50:11-13)


  • before the adopted child was called by the name of the adopted father but Mohammed change that it has to be called by the name of his father (Bukhari 64:51)


  • monkeys stoned a she-monkey because it has committed illegal sexual intercourse and Amr bin Maimun (narrator) stoned it with them (Bukhari 63:75)
  • Angel doesn’t get in a house where there is a picture (of a living creature) or a dog (Bukhari 59:36-38)
  • M. ordered that the dogs should be killed (Bukhari 59:129)
  • whoever keeps a dog, loses Qirat of a reward of his good deeds and except for the agriculture or protection of livestock (Bukhari 59:130-131, 72:6-8, 41:3-4) pets are forbidden.
  • the prophet cursed the one who takes the price of the dog (Bukhari 77:178)
  • there is a reward for serving animals (Bukhari 78:40)


  • the prophet sent an army and they make a fire and are afraid because they have chosen Islam. Muhammad may stay there until the day of resurrection (Bukhari 95:12)

Hypocrite / Reformer

  • If someone innovates something that is not right with the principles of Islam, it must be rejected (Bukhari 53: 7)
  • at the last days, there will appear young people those the faith will not go  beyond their throats and Mohammed asked to kill them wherever they are found and  their killer will have a reward on the day of Resurrection (Bukhari 88:12)
  • some companions of M. will be put away from him (at Lake-Fount Kauthar) because they apostate and add something to the religion (Bukhari 92:1-2*-3)
  • Whoever dies without having fought and thought of fighting  dies as a hypocrite (muslim 33:226, abudawud 15:26, nasai 25:13)

Torment in the grave

  • M. heard the voice of people being punished in their grave and said that it is because one of them doesn’t save himself from being soiled with the urine and the other used to go about calumnies. He hopes that their punishments will not be abated as long as a piece of the leaf, which he put on their graves, are not dried (Bukhari 78:82 .85, 4:216)   
  • Muhammed said that a jew is being punished, while his family is wailing over him (Bukhari 11:31 .34)
  • Mohammed heard some sound and say: it is the Jews who are being tormented in their graves(muslim 53:84)
  • The deceased is punished in the grave because of his family’s weeping/wailing over his death [it is for unbelievers/jews] (muslim 11:20-37)
  • 2 Jewess talked Aischa about the judgment of the grave, she said it to M. and he confirmed that the dead will be punished in their grave till the animals will hear it(Bukhari 80:63)
  • A Jewess said to Aischa: Do you know that you would be put to trial in the grave. The Messenger of Allah () trembled (on hearing this). It was revealed to the prophet that they would be put to trial in the grave and the Prophet sought refuge from the torment of the grave after this. (muslim 5:157*-160)
  • a Jewish woman said to Aischa that The torment of the grave is because of urine and Mohammed confirmed it (nasai 13:167 – no Sahih)
  • the angel will come into everyone’s grave and ask who is Muhammad: he is a Messenger => he will say sleep in peace otherwise he will punish them (Bukhari 16:13)
  • Mohammed alone understands the people tormented in the grave (muslim 53:82-84)
  • Two people were punished in the grave because one of them carried tales and the other did not keep himself safe from being defiled by urine (muslim 2:143-144)


  • None amongst you would attain salvation[get in paradise] purely because of his deeds [but, because of the mercy of Allah] => the Muslims have to observe moderation in deeds  (muslim 52:65-76)

Intersection for the deaths

  • A woman is allowed to give in charity on behalf of her dead mother (Bukhari 55:23)
  • It is possible to fast in the day of Ramadan on behalf of a person who died and did fast (Bukhari 30:59)
  • A woman is allowed to do a Hajj on behalf of her dead mother (Bukhari 96:46)

Mosque / Al-Aqsa -Mosque

  • The first mosque to be built in the Al-Masjid Harim/Haram (in Mecca [by Abraham]) and the second mosque is Al-Aqsa (in Jerusalem) 40 years later (Ibnmajah 4:19, Bukhari 60:45, nasai 8:3, Muslim 5:2, Bukhari 60:97)
  • The first mosque built was Al-Masjid-al-Haram(sacred mosque Mecca) and the second was the Masjid Aqsa(Jerusalem) and there are 40 years between the 2 mosques (Muslim 5:1-2)
  • Sulaiman  build  Bait Al-Maqdis (nasai 8:6)
  • in the lifetime of the prophet, The dogs would urinate frequently visit the mosque, and no one would sprinkle over it (adudawud 1:382)
  • during the pre-Islamic period, people came closer to the Kaaba being naked (Bukhari 25: 146)



  • The freed slave belongs to the people who liberated him (Bukhari 85:38) (to convert to Islam, because they will be free)
  • double reward for the slave who sincerely obtains his master (Bukhari 49: 33-35 *) (also in the Bible)
  • Maimuna bint Al-Harith () frees her female slave and the prophet tells her that she would have had more reward by handing the slave back to her marvelous uncles (Bukhari 51: 26, 28)
  • a hoe promised to release his slave after his death, but as his only property, the prophet sold it for 800 dirhams and sent the money (Bukhari 93:48)
  • if a slave girl commits illegal sexual intercourse  she has to be slashed and if she does it more than 3 times, she has to be sold even for a  price of a hair rope (Bukhari 34:104-105 .180, 49:39)
  • The Muslims did not free slaves as Sa’iba(completely without conditions, ties, Wala), but the People of the Pre-Islamic Period of Ignorance used to do so (Bukhari 85:30)
  • Safya manumitting freedom was her dowry (nasai 26:147-148)
  • if anyone emancipated a Muslim slave he will be protected from hell (abudawud 31. 40-42 )
  • the prophet spoke severely of a man who emancipated six slaves. He called him and emancipated 2 of them and keep 4 in slavery (abudawud 31:33  .36)

Right of a master over a slave or slaves

  • if a man becomes the client of any people without the permission of his patrons (i.e. those who have freed him), on him will be the curse of Allah, of angels, and of all people; no obligatory or supererogatory worship will be accepted from him. (abudawud 43:342)
  • He who takes anyone(emancipated slave) as his ally without the consent of his previous master, there will be the curse of Allah and that of His angels upon him… (muslim 20:21-24)

Rights of the one who set the slave free over him

  • whoever buys a slave, his  property belongs to the seller except the buyer laid down a provision (muslim 21:104)
  • The right of inheritance vests in one who emancipates. [the charity given to the emancipated slave of Aischa was a gift for her] (muslim 20:7-17)
  • the right to inherit from a slave  (abudawud 31.4-5.)


Wearing / clothing / coiffure

  • the prophet forbids wearing the silk and believes that the handkerchiefs in paradise are more beautiful than that (Bukhari 51:48)
  • M. forbad the wearing of silk and Dibaj (wiki google) or sitting on it (Bukhari 77:54)
  • The Messenger of Allah cursed the one who shaves his head, raises his voice in lamentation, or rends his garment. (nasai 21:50)
  • Allah forbad/curse the women who add some false hair (msulim 37:175-185)
  • put on the right shoes first and take off the left first (Bukhari 77:72)
  • None should put on one shoe (should both on) (Bukhari 77:73)
  • The Prophet forbade the wearing of the gold ring (Bukhari 77:81)
  • While a man was dragging his Izar out of pride, the earth swallowed him up, and he will continue sinking into it until the Day of Resurrection (nasai 48:287)
  • The part of an Izar(wiki) which hangs below the ankles is in the Fire (Bukhari 77:5)


  • if someone sees another hoe on his wife, should he look for evidence => he must produce evidence (Bukhari 52:33)

Tatoo / Paint / Picture / Art

  • the prophet  forbade the profession of tattooing and getting tattooed  and cursed the picture makers (Bukhari 34:39. 184, 77:161-162)
  • Aischa brought a cushion with the picture of an animal on it => M. said the one, who does this picture, will be punished on the day of the judgment (Bukhari 67:116, 77:173, 77:177*, Bukhari 97:182-183, 34:58)
  • Aischa had a curtain with pictures on it. M. asked her to remove it because the pictures come to his mind in prayers (Bukhari 77:175)
  • The angel didn’t get in a house where there is a picture(of a living creature) or a dog (Bukhari 59:36-38, 34:58)
  • a man wants to do a picture and he is warned that the prophet said that whoever does a picture will be punished at the judgment day (Bukhari. 34:172)
  • whoever makes a picture will be punished on the day of resurrection (Bukhari 59:35, 77:166-167)
  • the maker of images will be punished on the judgment day and ask to breathe life into it (nasai 48:322-325)
  • the most grievously tormented people on the day of resurrection would be the painters of Pictures(muslim 37:150-151)
  • the prophet cursed the people who do Tatoo and the one being tattooed  and the persons who make a picture (Bukhari 68:92, 77:146  .154 .178)

Do the eloge of someone

  • a hoe praised a man a lot and Mohammed said he ruined it and cut off his head (Bukhari 52:27 (26))


  • Medina is like a furnace and she chases the bad people and accept the good people and makes them perfect (Bukhari 29: 17-18) (by Uhud)

Coitus interrupt

Foreteller / Soothsayer


  • the jinns eavedrop god Affairs in Heaven and said to the foreteller and they add lies in it (Bukhari 65:223)
  • the jinns snatch away from heaven and pour it in the ears of their friends (the foreteller – soothsayers, Bukhari 97:186)     
  • Angel attack with a meteor a Jinn, which try to hear information from heaven (muslim 39:171)

Muhammed (the prophet)

  • Aisha said: whoever tells you that the Prophet knows what is going to happen tomorrow, is a liar.” She then recited: ‘No soul can know what it will earn tomorrow.’ (Quran 31.34) (Bukhari 65:376)


  • a man/woman should not see the privacy of another man/woman and should lie with another man under one covering (muslim 3:90)
  • the prophet cursed the men assuming the manners of women and the women assuming the manners of the men. he asked to turn them out of houses (Bukhari 77:102-103*-104)
  • the prophet cursed women/men who imitate/dress like. Men/women  (abudawud 34.78 -80)
  • kill People who do the same thing as lot’s people did  (abudawud 40.112-113)


  • Allah’s Messenger  cursed the one who accepted interests and the one who paid it (muslim 22:131-132)


  • a Jinn who was worshiped converted to Islam (Bukhari 65:236-237)
  • some jinn embraced Islam (who were worshiped before that) (muslim 56:32-34)
  • some jinn  convert to Islam after hearing the Quran (muslim 4:169)
  • A deputation of the jinn came to the Prophet and said: O Muhammad, forbid your community to cleans themselves with a bone or dung or charcoal, for in them Allah has provided sustenance for us. So the Prophet forbade them to do so. (abudawud 1:39)
  • the prophet seized a jInn during his prayer and intended to tie him to one of the pillars of the mosque in order that you, all together or all, might look at him, but I remembered the supplication of my brother Sulaiman: … (muslim 5:49-)
  • A big Djinn/demon tries to interrupt Muhammad’s prayer, and he tries to catch it to present it to the assembly, but …. (Bukhari 8: 109, 60:95)
  • these privies are frequented by the jinns and devils. So when anyone amongst you goes there, he should say: I seek refuge in Allah from male and female Devils (abudawud 1:6)

Missleaded people

  • If you see those who follow thereof that is not entirely clear, then they are those whom Allah has named [as having deviation (from the Truth)] ‘So beware of them (bukhari 65:70)


  • The Jews asked Mohammed about the Spirit and God revealed That the Knowledge is with Allah (it means M. didn’t know) (Quran 17.85), (many references in hadiths or  in the Sirat)
  • Abandon that which I have asked you to abandon, for the people before you went to their doom (for asking too many questions) (muslim 43:171-173)
  • some people asked questions mockingly: who is my father, where is my she-camel and it was revealed: “O you who believe! Ask not about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble.” (Quran 5.101) (Bukhari 65:143-144)
  • 2 Muslims was arguing about a verse and the prophet said: people before you were ruined because of their disputation about the book (muslim 47:2)
  • Allah disapproves persistent questions(questioning) (muslim 30:12-17)


  • Muslim in paradise desire the return of their souls to our bodies => in paradise people will have their souls  (Muslim 33:181)


  • by hunting  the Muslim have to  recite the name of Allah  on throwing Arrows and by letting off their dogs (Muslim 34:1-11)



  • the Muslims meet a poet reciting poetry and Mohammed said: catch the satan or detain the satan, for filling the belly of a man with pus is better than stuffing his brain with poetry (Muslim 41:10)


  • It is not permissible for a woman believing in Allah and the Hereafter to mourn the dead beyond three days except in case of her husband (for whom she can mourn) for four months and ten days. (Muslim 18:73-87)

Suckling adult

  • Mohammed asked a woman (Salim) to suckle a grown-up man(Abu Hudhaifa), who attains puberty and has sex problems,  and she would become unlawful for him. She suckled him (Muslim 17:33-34*-)


        – The Mahdi will be of my family, of the descendants of Fatimah (abudawud 38.5-6)

Other books

  • “The Tawrah and Injil are with the Jews and Christians, but what do they avail of them?” (Tirmidhi  41:9)


  • The jews said to Mohammed that the stoning to death punishment was stopped because they used to apply to poor people and no on rich people. Mohammed stoned the adultery people and receive the revelation that they who don’t judge in accordance with what God has revealed, they are the iniquitous (Quran 5:4144, 45, 47) (Muslim 29:43)
  • The Torah  has been written 40 years before Adam was created (Muslim 46:22): it is not true
  • In the Torah it is written that Adam committed an error and <<he was enticed to do so>> (Muslim 46:22) It is a big lie.
  • the jews brought the Torah to Mohammed and He said: I believe in you and the one who revealed you (Abudawud 40:99)

Black people

  • The prophet dreamed of a black woman coming out of medina for Mahai’a and interpreting it as the symbol of an (Al-Juhfa) who is transferred from medina to that place (Bukhari 91: 52-54)
  • Musulmans must obey their ruler even if he is black with a grape-like head (Bukhari 93: 6)
  • Mohammed had a black slave called Anjasha (Bukhari 78:187)
  • Mohammed  buy a slave for 2 black slaves (Muslim 22:152)

 Privilege only for Muslims

  • The best Muslim is the one who doesn’t harm a Muslim (Bukhari 2:3-4)
  • a Muslim should not be killed for killing a disbeliever (Bukhari 87:42, 53, 56:253, )
  • For a Muslim, good work is multiplied by 10 and bad works sometimes are not taken into account (Bukhari 2:34)
  • a Jew steals part of the land of a Muslim => one who steals the property of a Muslim illegally => Allah will be angry against him (Bukhari 44: 7)
  • the Christian or Jew who does good, it will not be returned except the Muslim (Tirmidhi 49: 4162: 4272) (not Sahih)