Death and sickness

  • A Jewess poisoned Muhammed et before his death, Muhammed said that his aorta has been cut (Abudawud 41:19, Bukhari 64:450)
  • Before the death of the Prophet, he said that his aorta has been cut off (Bukhari 64:450)
  • During his illness, He came out leaning on two men as his feet dragged on the ground (Bukhari 51:22)
  • Aicha: I have not seen anyone suffer as much from his illness as the prophet (Bukhari 75: 6)



  • The prophet fight in 19 Ghazawat(Battle) (Bukhari 64:486)
  • one of the days when Allah’s Messenger was fighting and none remained with him save Talha and Sa’d. (Muslim 44:72)


Write / read

  • Treaty of Hudaybiyyah … the prophet asks Ali to show him the treaty and he erases the expression „Allah’s  Apostel“ (Bukhari 58:26) (the prophet  can read )
  • Before his death, the prophet asks after a bone of scapula to write and he writes that the Moslems must expel all the pagans of the Arabic peninsula (Bukhari 58:10, 3:56)

Seeing  God

Privilege among the others prophecies

  • Mohammed is ‘Aqib (the last to come) after whom there will be no Prophet. (Muslim 43:163-166)
  • 5 thing that was given to Mohammed: the earth is for him and his followers, the spoils of war is legal for me and for people before me, he has the right to intercede the day of the resurrection, he was sent to all nations while others were sent only to their nation (Bukhari 7: 2)
  • Mose wept because another prophet has more followers than him (Bukhari 63:113)
  • the past and future sins of the prophet are forgiven (Bukhari 20:2:13)
  • (Only M. Will intercede for people)at the judgment day prophets will refuse to intercede for the people: Adam (because of his sin – eating the apple), Noah (he will remember his sin), Abraham (because of his sin), Mose(sin too), Jesus (is not fit – no because of sins), except Mohammed (because Allah has forgiven his future and past sins) and he will intercede and remove many people from the hellfire to the paradise (Bukhari 81:154*, 97:39.66.135). why only M. though he has sins like the other prophet?
    •     … angel prostrated bevor Adam ….  why ?

About the other book

  • the jews brought the Torah to Mohammed and He said: I believe in you and the one who revealed you (Abudawud 40:99)

Allegiances to Mohammed

  • 1400 people swore fealty to the prophet on the day of Hudaibiya to fight but not to death [and other do the same thing] (Muslim 33:104-113)
  • a man swore fealty to the prophet to die fighting (Muslim 33:118-120)
  • after the conquest of Mecca, the jihad remains: fighting in the cause of Allah (Muslim 33:125*-127)
  • a bedouins give the pledge of Allegiance to M. and then asked M. to cancel the pledge and M. refused. The bedouins left Median and M. said that medina expels the impurities (Bukhari 96:52, 93:69,71:76)    
  • People make allegiance to the prophet (Bukhari 56: 169-171) for jihad (Bukhari 56: 172-173)


Reaction to the critics/ Mord

  • List of Killings Ordered or Supported by Muhammad  Here (
  • A woman slave was killed by her master for abusing and disparaging the prophet. The prophets said.”no retaliation” is payable for her blood (the woman was a Jewess see Abudawud 40:11)  (Sunan Abi Dawud 4361:40:11*-12)
  • a woman who slander the prophet was killed and the prophet said his blood is permissible ( nasai 37:105)    
  • the Jewess who used to abuse the prophet and was killed by his master .(abudawud 40.11-12)
  • the punishment of those who wage war against Allah (Bukhari 56:227, abudawud 40.16 (14-) )
  • Mohammed asked Allah to kill Abu Jahl and some Quraishi men because they put the Abdominal contents of a she-camel over him while he was praying  (Bukhari 56:147)
  •   Mohammed asked Allah to be hard with the Mudar tribe (Bukhari 56:145)  they should suffer from years of drought (Bukhari 60:60)
  • the prophet only beat someone when he was fighting in the cause of Allah and only take revenge when things made inviolable by Allah were made violable (Muslim 43:108)
  • Mohamed asks people to drink the urine and milk of camels, they kill the shepherd and steals the camels and flees. They are caught with their hands and feet cut and the heated needles embedded in their eyes (Bukhari 56: 227).

Jihad / Fighting

  • Mohammed would like to fight and be martyred many more times, again and again. But he has responsibilities (Bukhari 94: 1-2)
  • The prophet shares war booty among the combatants (Abudawud 15: 231)
  • The prophet was wounded during the battle of Uhud in the head (Bukhari 56: 124. 243)
  • the Helmeld was broken on the head of the prophets and he bleeds (Bukhari 76:37)
  • The prophet riding a horse with his sword slung over his shoulder (Bukhari 56:82)
  • Mohammed ask to be guarded (Bukhari 56:100)
  • during a ghazawat (battle) in which the prophet was fighting … (Bukhari 62:71)

Quran memorization

  • M. heard someone reciting the Quran and he blessed him because he (reciter) has reminded him of some verse which he has forgotten (Bukhari 66:62*.60, 80:32, 52:19, Muslim 6:266)   (Mohammed didn’t memorize the Quran)

Women and his wives

Behavior toward women


  • Muhammed saw in a dream twice  that Aisha is his wife (Bukhari 67:16. 61)
  • Aisha is the wife of the prophet in this world and in the hereafter but Allah put you in test whether you will follow him or her…  (Bukhari 69:119) (while the battle between Aischa and Ali )
  • Aisha was jealous of Khadija (wiki) he often mentioned her and Allah said that she will have a palace of precious stones and pearls in paradise (Bukhari 63:42*-43.45-46, 97:110. 122)
  • Mohammed didn’t treat his wives with equality, then he loved more Aischa  and Zainab had a hot exchange with Aischa about that (Bukhari 51:16, Muslim 44:120-121)
  • Mohammed asked a man, who married a previously married woman, why he didn’t marry a girl/virgin so that she might sport/amuse/play with him and he with her (Muslim 17:70-75)
  • The other wives of the prophet asked equality treatment to Aisha (nasai 36:11-12)
  • Mohammed Put on the lower garment from Aisha (nasai 36:25-26)
  • Mohammed married Aisha when she was six years old and she was taken to his house when he was 9 years old ( she came with her dolls) and he died when she was 18 years old (Muslim 16: 81*-83*-86, Bukhari 63:122, 67:69-70. 93)
  • one day the prophet had intercourse with all his wives [and has the strength of 30 men] (abudawud 1:219, Bukhari 5:21Bukhari 5:36 (no la force de 30men), 67:6, 67:148)     
  • Umar said to Hafsa (wife of Mohammed and his daughter) that Mohammed doesn’t love her and if he was not her father, he would have divorced her (Muslim 18:40)
  • Mohammed was missing and Aischa thought he had gone to visit one of his concubines (nasai 12:96-97)


  • Mohammed disapproved that a man was sitting near Aischa (He is was his brother by fosterage) (Muslim 17:39)


  • the prophet enjoy the payment of the Zakat-ul-Fitr of dates and ogres by everyone (slave-free, evil-female) (Bukhari 24: 104-105)


  • there is a wet nurse in paradise for Ibrahim, the son of the prophets who died in his childhood (Bukhari 78:218-219)

Inheritance / Succession

  • Fatima (the daughter of the prophet) asked Abu Bakr(the first caliphate) the INHERITANCE(lands at Fadak and  his share from Khaibar) from the prophets and Abu Bakr said to her that Mohammed said that the prophets don’t inherit  their properties, it is given in charity (Muslim 32:61-62*63)
  • Fatimah sent word to Abu Bakr asking for her inheritance from the Prophet, from his charity, and what was left of the Khumus of Khaibar. Abu Bakar said: “The Messenger of Allah said: ‘We are not inherited from.”‘(nasai 38:9)
  • Fatima … (abudawud 20:41-43)
  • Aisha refutes that Ali is the successor of Muhammed (Bukhari 64: 475)

To convert people

  • The prophet gave people to win their hearts because they had to go to hell and leave believing Muslims (Bukhari 2: 5)


  •   M. has 5 names, this means: he will eliminate the infidels, he will be the first to resurrect and there will be no prophets after him (Bukhari 61:41, abudawud 27:1)

Clothing /Perfection

Visit paradise

  • Mohammed was in paradise and he saw the palace of Umar and a woman making ablution and because of his ghaira(passion sexual/self-respect) he went away and Umar wept (Bukhari 59:53, 62:29-30, 67:159-160)


  • Mohammed  buy a slave for 2 black slaves (Muslim 22:152)
  • … slave-woman belonging to Allah’s Messenger … (Muslim 29:53)
  • the prophet bought a slave for 2 black slaves (nasai 39:36)

Foreteller / Softsayer / Prophecy

  • Aisha said: whoever tells you that the Prophet knows what is going to happen tomorrow, is a liar.” She then recited: ‘No soul can know what it will earn tomorrow.’ (Quran 31.34) (Bukhari 65:376)


  • after the conquest of KHAIBAR, the Jews have to give half of their production to the Muslims(or Messenger of Allah) and Mohammed got the fifth part (Muslim 22:4[1-6])    
  • Mohammed  gave a large flock of sheep and goats to a person and many of his people embrace Islam (Muslim 43:79-80)
  • Mohammed gave one hundred camels to Safwan b. Umayya 3 times (Muslim 43:80)
  • The properties of Bam An-Nadir were among the booty that Allah gave to His Apostle(only for the prophet) (Bukhari 65:376)
  • the prophet used his properties to provide the yearly expenditure for his wives and dedicate the rest of its revenues for purchasing arms and horses as war material to be used in Allah’s Cause. (Bukhari 65:376)
  • the Messenger of Allah () received three things exclusively to himself: Banu An-Nadir, Khaybar and Fadak (abudawud 20.40-43)
  • the separated the half of the spoil of Khaybar for his emergent needs and whatever befalls him (abudawud 20.85-86)

Dearest people


  • the prophet spend 13 years in mecca and then  10 years in Medina and died at the age of 63 years old (Muslim 43:154-155)

Other books

  • the Torah was brought to the prophet and he said I believe in you and the one who revealed you. (abudawud 40.99)