
Evolution Theory

  • where comes the first cell/molecule to existence (where come life from)? With the capacity to replicate and reproduces? (abiogenesis)
    • No scientific successes to bring such complex living cells/molecules to existence.
    • Where does the ADN come from? can an ADN be modified to produce a new species? 
  • can new organs through mutation come to existence? can genetic error/mutation lead to a new species? 
    • how can random mutation create from a cell, complex organs like eyes, brain, hand .. and where are the Proofs(fossils) of this evolution?
    • mutation in gene bring most time errors or diseases/anomaly in human/animal
    • how did the number of chromosomes from species to species change, without causing any anomalies? is it possible? animals have different numbers of chromosomes and it is observed that the abnormal number of chromosomes by humans or animals causes anomalies or diseases (bring something wrong).
    • by error/mutation/disorder/anomalies in the chromosomes/genes,  the animal remains in the same species but it presents some anomalies.
  • Where are the transitional fossils between cells to fish, fish to reptile, reptile to bird or human, mammals?  There must be many because of the change gradually for a long time. The fossil record doesn’t show that we  come from a common ancestor, but most species (with a small difference – microevolution ) appeared suddenly without ancestors
    • Did you believe that a single asexual cell organ can evolve to a fish, reptile, bird, mammals, human? 
    • where are the proofs (fossils) of transient species between cell to fish, fish to reptiles and reptiles to birds and mammals?
  • The common ancestors between humans and monkeys have to be intelligent,   
    • How can mutation increase or decrease intelligence with the time? 
  • Where comes the morality, ethic, consciences and ability for technic and artificial creativity of humans from?
    • Why do you want to help people and take care of your family? because God has written this in our hearts.
    • if morality comes from the gene, molecule, selection mutation, then the murderer und the raper are not responsible for their deeds, but their genes.
    • Why do we not kill humans like animals  (to eat for example), why is the life of a human so important compared to those of an animal?
  • did exist an asexual human (in fossil)? There was never.  Why or how will develop two humans (men and women) from the same ancestor and develop different sexual organs(penis and vagina) compatible with each other (with an asexual ancestor, it means his DNA changed along the time two forms two organs (a penis and a vagina), which pass together)?
    • Where are the fossils of such a change? 
    • Why will a well functioning asexual organism will change his process of reproduction?
  • Thermodynamic:
    • how can a single-celled asexual organism mutate to an ordered organism?  (Every become disorder in nature)
  • Irreducible complexity: all parts of a complex organ function together, it is impossible that there evolve with the time, that each appears with the time (eye for example). Darwin: when such an organ exists, my theory will fail apart.
    • There is no transitionary eye? In the fossil record, it appears suddenly
    • The eyes evolved independently and not coming from a common ancestor?
    • A cell is very complex and can not appear from anything
    • how did an eye evolve from a cell? where is the proof for it?
  • How long does a mutation take?
    • some mutation can be longer than the lifetime of the earth
  • Crossbreed: why can’t humans reproduce/breed with apes, monkeys, chimpanzees or gorillas? If they have the same ancestors.  the dogs can, for example, do that with each other.  (They don’t have  the same number of chromosomes see wiki)
    • Crossbreed is not a problem between species
    • Between different species (Hybrid)
      • the hybrids are fast always not fertile,
      • Fast impossible because of a cross barrier. Only if they have fast the same genetic structure and they are  within 1-2 chromosome  of another
      • It is fertile when the species have the same number of chromosomes
      • Dog and wolf have not separated species but belong to the  Canis lupus (wiki English)


  • where are the souls from?
    • there are more and more humans on the earth, because of that there are more and more souls, where are the souls from? how are these souls created?
  • How do you know, that you were on the earth?
  • do people keep their bad and good heart/deeds/personality after reincarnation?
  • if you keep your bad and good heart/deeds/etc while you reincarnate, why are bad and good people among non-and suffering people?
  • Were suffering people automatically bad people and don’t deserve mercy because of that?
  • Why don’t the suffering people know about their crime, for which they are punished? is it just?