Behavior towards other Book

Mohammed/muslims has to Believe in the Torah and Gospel

  • I believe everything  that Allah sent down  as Book (42:15)
  • We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you (29:46)
    • But it contradicts our book
  • So bring the Torah and recite it, if you should be truthful. (3:93)
    • The Torah is correct because it is used to settle problems

Mohammed has to ask the people of the book

  • if you are in doubt => ask those who have been reading the Scripture before you (10:94)  
    • After he has spoken about the stories of Moses
  • we send people with revelation => so ask the people of the message(Book) if you do not know (21:7)

Voyage to al-Masjid al- Aqsa 

  • He who took Mohammed by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al- Aqsa  (17:1


  • To those who emigrated,  after suffering oppression == blessing (16:41)
  • To those who emigrated and fought =  Forgiving and Merciful from Allah   (16:110)

Private affairs and privileges

  • the spouse of the(adopted son of Mohammed) was married to him to show the believers that it is allowed to do so (33:37)
    • (see Hadith)
  • It is not allowed to you anymore take another wife except the slaves (33:52)
  • O you who have believed, do not enter the houses of the Prophet except when you are permitted for a meal …
    • when you have eaten, disperse without seeking to remain for conversation ….
    • that [behavior] was troubling the Prophet, and he is shy of [dismissing] you …
    • And when you ask [his wives] for something, ask them from behind a partition => That is purer for your hearts and their hearts (33:53) (see Hadith Bukhari 79:45, 79:13)
  • It not allowed to marry a spouse of the Prophet after him: it is an enormity for Allah  (33:53)
  • All wives who give himself to the prophet and if he wants to marry them (33:50)
  • Mohammed can divorce his wives and God will give him better wives (66:5)
  • If the wives of the prophet are against him => the angels will be against them (66:4)
    • Read hadith to know the full stories (Bukhari 67:125, Bukhari 46:29)
  • The spouses of the prophet  have to show between the present life (this means divorce )and hereafter  (33:28)
    • Read the full stories in (Bukhari 46:29)

Particularity over the other prophets

  • Mohammed is the last prophet (33:40)
  • Mohammed sent to all men. (34:28)

Challenge false prophethood

  • if Muhammed says false about us … (we would have cut his aorta) (Quran 69:44-46) … => it was accomplished in (Bukhari 64:450)
  • Who is more unjust than one who lies that he has been inspired and he will reveal something from Allah (6:93)


  • Mohammed in TORAH (not other books from OTs) and Gospel (7:157).
    • … those who follow the messenger, the unlettered prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scripture), in the law(Torah) and the Gospel … 
      • It means Mohammed was mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel, it is not in the past,  when they receive the law from Moise or the Gospel of Jesus. 
    • where? Deut 18:18 (in the middle of their brothers), read Deut 18:15 (in middle of you(Israel))
  • Jesus announced a messenger with the name „Ahmad“  to the children of Israel (61:6)
    • where did Jesus announce this messenger with this name?


  • Mohammed post the believers at their stations for the battle [Battle of Uhud] (3:121)

Ask the people of the book

  • if you are in doubt => ask those who have been reading the Scripture before you (10:94)  
    • After he has spoken about the stories of Moses
  • we send people with revelation => so ask the people of the message(Book) if you do not know (21:7)


  • … ask forgiveness for your sin … (47:19, 40:55),
  • …. Allah may forgive you your sins [dh-n-b] of the past and the future …. (48:2)
    • confirmed in hadith(muslim 52:77-79.), why this privilege to Mohammed?

First muslim

  • Mohammed first of all Muslims (39:12)

Mohammed sent as a warning

  • Our Messenger is only [the responsibility for] clear notification(5:92, 5:99)
  • Warner – (38:28, 34:65.44, 7:184, 79:45, 15:89, 48:8, 67:26, 26:115, 35:23, 25:56, 11:2, 38:70, 37:72, 26:194, 35:42, 5:19, 35:24)