a man is sick, was brought to the prophet, he blesses him with his hand and perform ablution and let him drink the remaining water (Bukhari 61:50, 75:31)
the people rushed to take some of the remaining water for the ablution of the prophet and rubbed it on their face (Bukhari 61:76, 77:76)
The Prophet started everything on the right: to wash, to comb wear the shoes (Bukhari 8:76)
Salama bin Al-Akwa prayed beside a pillar because the prophet also did so (Bukhari 8: 149-150)
Umar asks where the prophet prayed to the Kaaba => loan of 2 pillars (Bukhari 8: 152). It is not important where to offer prayer to the Kaaba (Umar – Bukhari 8: 153)
someone asks how the Prophet washed his head in Ihram (Bukhari 28:20)
Umar kisses the black stone because he saw Mohammed kiss the black stone (Bukhari 25:83,91,96,97)
Uthman performs abolition like the Prophet and said that the one who does it like that and offers 2 Rakats will be in paradise (Bukhari 30:41)
the prophet wore a gold ring and the believer too. After he throws it away and the believers do the same (Bukhari 96:29, 77:82-85,77:93*-94)
Anas never smelt a perfume nicer than the sweat of the prophet (Bukhari 61:70)