Religious intolerance


  •   I have been ordered to fight everyone till they say: “…(shaada)”, do prayer and pay the  zakat, whoever does that will be safe from the prophet  (Muslim 1:33-38)
  • After the conquest of Mecca Mohammed hit 360 Idols and said: the truth has come and falsehood most vanished (Quran 17.81, 34.49) (Bukhari 65:242)

People of the book

  • I will expel the Jews and the Christians (Muslim 32:75, Tirmidhi 21:69-70, abudawud 20:103)
  • After the mosque, the prophet went to the jews and said them that they have to embrace Islam to be protected of Muhammed because he wants to expel them (Bukhari 58:9*, 96:76, 89:5, Muslim 32:72-74)
  • the hour will not come till you fight the jews when a Jew hides behind a stone, the stone will betray him and the tree which doesn’t betray a Jewish  (Bukhari 54:105. 139, 61:100, Muslim 54:101-105*,)
  • Umar hunt Jews and Christians from Hijaz and hunt Jews from Khaibar (Bukhari 57:60, Muslim 22:6)
  • Instead of a Muslim Allah would admit  in Hell-Fire a Jew or a Christian (Muslim 50:57-58*-60)
  • last word of the Prophet: Allah cursed the Jews and the Christians that they took the graves of their prophets as mosques. (Muslim 5:24-28)
  • M. about the church with pictures: When a pious person amongst them (among the religious groups) dies they build a place of worship on his grave, and then decorate it with such pictures. They would be the worst of creatures on the Day of judgment in the sight of Allah. (Muslim 5:21-22)
  • Samura (a jew) had sold wine (Mohammed/Allah forbade the consumption/selling of wine) => Mohammed said: “Let there be the curse of Allah upon the Jews” (because they disobey him Allah/Mohammed) (Muslim 22:89*-92)
  • Muslim living in the land of the people of the book  don’t have to eat in their utensils (Muslim 34:12)
  • Do not greet the Jews and the Christians before they greet you and when you meet anyone of them on the roads force him to go to the narrowest part of it (muslim 39:16-17, abudawud 43:433)
  • when the jews salute you with “death be upon you”, the Muslim has to answer: “let it be upon you” [and Muhammed did it](Muslim 39:9-15) Jesus ask to bless people who curse you (luke 6:28)
  • M.:   I will certainly expel the Jews and the Christians from Arabia and shall leave only the Muslims (abudawud 20.103.)
  • there is not compilation in religion, referred to the children of Ansar who went with the jews( Banu an-Nadir) expelled by the prophet  (abudawud 15.206)
  • do not take Arab Christians for a friend (Muwatta Malik: 24: 5) (in Quran 5:51)
  • Instead of a Muslim Allah would admit  in Hell-Fire a Jew or a Christian (Muslim 50:57-58*-60)

Muslims superiority

  • “the true Muslims are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind.” means, the best of peoples for the people, as you bring them with chains on their necks till they embrace Islam (Bukhari 65:79)

Polytheists and others

  • Before his death, Mohammed asked his followers to expel the pagans of the arabica peninsula (Bukhari 56:259)
  • the Muslims didn’t take the people of the world as a friend (Bukhari 65:103)

People of the book (Jews, Christians, and Pagans)

Concurrence / Muslims superiority / Insult/ Humiliation

  • The Jews work in the field of God, then the Christians, then the Muslims. Jews and Christians get angry that they receive the same reward because they had worked more (Bukhari 60: 126, 37: 9, 66:43, 9:35, 97:93 Tirmidhi 44: 3111)
  • the day of judgment Allah will deliver for every Muslim, a Jew or a Christian. it is your deliverance from hell (Muslim 50: 57-60, 60,   )
  • the blood-money of a christ or jew is half those of a Muslim (nasai 45:101, ibnmajah 21:30, Muwatta Malik:43:8) (not Sahih but good)
  • let place to Jews and Christians on the road is like honoring them, Muslim has to humiliate them => don’t greet them (Tirmidhi 1602:21:65)
  • resurrection Muslims are first(bevor the others) because of that they pray am Friday (bevor the jews(Saturday), Christians(Sunday)) (Muslim 7:28-32, Bukhari 11:1,  60:153-154, Nasai 14:2)
  • Embracing Jew => share Anger for Allah, Christianity => share curse from Allah (Bukhari 63:53)
  • Jews are infidels (after the murder of a Muslim near Khaibar)(Bukhari 3173:58:15)
  • there is a picture(of pious dead persons) in a church in Ethiopia =>  Mohammed those people are the worst creature of Allah (Bukhari 63:99, 8:84))
  • Pagans and naked people are forbidden to approach the Kaaba (Bukhari 58:19)
  • an ex Muslim Christian says that Mohammed know nothing except what he writes for him and he dies…(Bukhari 3617:61:124)
  • according to Ibn `Abbas, the Muslims should not ask the people of the book, because they changed what was revealed with their own hands (Bukhari 52:46, 96:90, 97: 147-148)
    • It contradicts the Quran because Allah asks Mohammed that when he doesn’t understand everything, he has to ask people who read the book before him (the Christians and Jews) (….)
    • Here stay the people of the book (no Christians and jews it can mean jews only or Christians only or both) but this happened probably in Medina and the people of the book are jews read (Quran 2:75-79)
  • request to dethrone the graves of the pagans to build a mosque (Bukhari 29: 2)
  • Only Jews use false hair (Bukhari 60: 154)
  • the people used to read the Torah in Hebrew and explain in Arabic  => don’t believe them or disbelieve them but believe in whatever is revealed to us (Bukhari 96:89, 65:12, 97:167)
  • Mose wept because another prophet has more followers than him (Bukhari 63:113)
  • don’t eat in the same utensils as the people of the book(jew, Christian) or wash it before eating out of it (Bukhari 72:4 .22)
  • a Christian who embraces and used to read and write from the prophets, apostate and use to said M. know nothing => he had been cursed (Bukhari 61:124)
  • the jews and Christians don’t dye their hair => you should do the opposite (Bukhari 77:116)
  • I heard him saying that the Israeli used to dig the grave of the dead (to steal their shrouds) (Bukhari 60:120)
  • The Israelis were destroyed when their ladies practiced this habit (of using false hair to lengthen their locks) (Bukhari 60:135)
  • A person from the book who recognizes Mohammed will receive a double reward (Sahih al-Bukhari 3011: 56: 220)


Teaching different

  • paradise with milk meals (Christians disbelieve) and jews disbelieve (Bukhari:65:250)