Fighting / General

  • the best Jihad is that of a man whose blood is shed and his horse is wounded (ibn Majah 24:42).
  • “the true Muslims are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind.” means, the best of peoples for the people, as you bring them with chains on their necks till they embrace Islam (Bukhari 65:79)
  • who fight in the cause of Allah: the one who fights so that the word of Allah is exalted (should be superior/ may have pre-eminence ) is fighting in the cause of Allah (Muslim 33:214-217, Abu Dawud 15.41, Bukhari 56:26*, 3:65, 97:84)
  • Jihad is one of the best works according to Muhammad (Bukhari 56: 1, 2: 19, 9: 6, 25: 7, 78: 1, 97: 159, )
  • Mohammed Swear that he will fight against the Quraysh  (Abu Dawud 22.44)
  • A man returned to the battlefield and his blood was shed because fleeing from the  battlefield is a sin (Abu Dawud 15.60)
  • After the battle of Al-Ahzab (trench) the prophet said, I will get attack them, even if they don’t attack us (Bukhari 64:153-155)
  • some men have fulfilled their obligation to Allah (was killed fighting for him) (Bukhari 64:95) (Quran 33:23)
  • I have been ordered to fight everyone till they say: “…(shaada)”, do prayer and pay the  zakat, whoever does that will be safe from the prophet and then they should be safe from him  (Muslim 1:33-38, Bukhari 2:18, 8:44, 56:158nasai 37:1-18, ibnmaja intro:71-72)


  • A man returned to the battlefield and his blood was shed because fleeing from the  battlefield is a sin (Abu Dawud 15.60)
  • an old Christian bedouin who embraced Islam was eager to wage war in the cause of Allah (jihad) (Abu Dawud 11.79)
  • Mohammed dreams that his companions are kings and form a naval army, a woman (Um Haram) asks her that she would like to start from that. He dreams once more that she is part of this. later she was part of a naval army and when she returns she falls from a horse and dies (breaks her neck) (Bukhari 56:



  • After the conquest of Mecca, there is no more Hijra, but the jihad (fighting) remains, if a leader called to the Jihad, Muslims has to response (Bukhari 56:2, 41, 283, 58:30)
  • Mohammed: There will always be a group among my Ummah who will fight for the truth … (nasai 28:1)
  • the prophet said: A section of my people will not cease fighting for the Truth and will prevail till the Day of Resurrection. (muslim 1:302)
  • the end will not come before the Muslims fight with the jews till a  Jew will hide behind a stone and the stone will betray him and if a tree doesn’t do the same thing, it will be a Jewish tree (muslim 54:105*, Bukhari 56:138-139)
  • People will do jihad after Mohammed, after his companions, after the companions of his companions and if testify to enjoy the company of the prophet or companions of the prophet, they will have the victory (Bukhari 56: 111)


  • Muslims asked the prophet to pray to Allah to grant them victory and to give them the lands of Caesar and Kisra as spoils of war, and to destroy their lands(the cities of Kisra, Caesar and their environs) at our hands.’ So the Messenger of Allah prayed for that. (nasai 25:92 – no sahih)
  • The Messenger of Allah promised that we would invade India and this group will be free from fire (nasai 25:90-91 – weak hadith).
  • Mohammed said that Yemen, Syria, Iraq will be conquered (muslim 15:568-569)

False prophecies

  • Muslims will attack Constantinople. They will not fight and only say: “Allah…”, then side and the gates of the city will fall (Muslim 54:97)


  • to pledge not to flee from battle (nasai 39:10)
  • There are two kinds of emigration, the emigration of the town dweller and the emigration of the Bedouin. As for the Bedouin, when he is called (to fight in Jihad) he must respond, and he must obey when he is commanded … (nasai 39:17)
  • the prophet accepted after the conquest of mecca only the pledge for jihad (nasai 39:20)

Mohammed and war

  • Muhammad would not like to stay behind his weapon and instead go to fight and come back to life again, again, again (so on) (Bukhari 56.15. 181)
  • The prophet attacks at dawn/dawn (Bukhari 56: 155-157)
  • When the prophet wants to make a Ghazwa (War – conquest) he does as he wanted to go to another place (Bukhari 56: 159-160)
  • The prophet is victorious with the terror in the hearts of the people and he has received the key of the treasures of the world and his companions will go to get this treasure after his death (Bukhari 56: 186)
  • Muhammad was ordered to migrate to Medina and from there he will conquer other cities (Bukhari 29: 5)
  • The prophet buys weapons and horses for Jihad with the properties of Bani An-Nadir (Bukhari 56: 118)
  • After the prophet do conquest, he used to stay in this town (Bukhari 56: 271)
  • 19 Ghazwas Has Mohammed Gefought (Bukhari 64: 426)
  • when Mohammed returned from Jihad, he would say Takbir three times and worship God for victory over unbelievers (Bukhari 56: 289)

Reward / vertues


  • Allah provides the one who goes out to fight for his cause and to affirm the truth of his word. Allah will either admit him to Paradise or will bring him back home with his reward and booty (muslim 33:155-157*)
  • the wound of the one wounded in the way Allah will smell of musk on the day of judgment (muslim 33:158)
  • No deed equals jihad because a Muslim fighter is fasting and praying constantly while doing Jihad (Muslim 33:165, Bukhari 56:4-6 )
  • Jihad elevates the position of a man in Paradise to a grade one hundred higher and elevation between  one grade and the other equals the height of the heaven from the earth (muslim 33:175)
  • If someone is killed fighting in the way of Allah with sincerity, all his sins will be blotted out from him [forgiven] except debt (muslim 33:176-180)
  • the best believer is the one who fights staking his life and spending  his wealth in the way of Allah (muslim 33:182-183)
  • 2 people will never be gathered together in the hell: a disbeliever and believer who killed him (the disbeliever) (muslim 33:191-192*)
  • anybody who equipped a warrior in the way of Allah is like the one who fights (muslim 33:198-199)
  • M: Goodness is tied to the forelocks of horses until the Day of Resurrection: Reward and spoils of war. (nasai 28:12*-17*, Muslim 33:143)
  • the soldiers who fight in the way of Allah and get their share of booty  receive in advance two-thirds of their reward in the hereafter and only one-third will remain (to their credit) and the empty-handed will receive their full reward in the hereafter (muslim 33: 220-221*)
  • Who believes in Allah fast and pray goes in paradise, but the paradise has 100 grades for the fighters and the believer ought to ask for Al-Firdaus (the highest and beautiful place – for martyrs – fighter killed in battle) (Bukhari 56:8, 97:51)
  • Whoever believes in Allah and his apostle, pray and fast in Ramadan will enter paradise. but there are 100 degrees for the Mujahidin(Fighter) => the believer should ask Allah for the highest part in paradise (by fighting)  (Bukhari 56:8*, 97:51)
  • Two people show a better place in paradise to Mohammed: this place is the house of the martyrs (Bukhari 56:9)
  • A single endeavor of fighting in Allah cause is better than the world and whatever is in it (Bukhari 56:10*-12. 117)
  • Allah welcomes with a smile a man who fights in his cause, kills and is martyred (Bukhari 56:42)
  • The martyrs who die for Allah will have the superiority to others so that they would like to return to die once more (Bukhari 56: 13. 33)
  • Whoever touches the dust of Jihad can not go to hell (Bukhari 56:27)
  • Paradise under the shadow of the sword (Bukhari 56:34)
  • There is no equality between the one who is at home (except the cripple) and the one who makes the jihad (Qur’anic verse 4:95 revealed after a blind man complained of his infirmity and wanted to do the jihad ) (Sahih al-Bukhari  56: 47-48)
  • Paradise is for the jihadists and not the exclaves of money and luxury (Sahih al-Bukhari 2887: 56: 102)
  • Paradise is for the first of its followers who will make a naval expedition and the first people to invade Caesar’s City will be forgiven their sins (Bukhari 56: 137)
  • A paradise for those who will invade the city of Caesar (Bukhari 56.137)
  • For those who go out to participate in Jihad, God guarantees it to be paradise in case he is martyred or spoils of war if he comes back alive (Bukhari 2:29, 57:32, 97: 83. 89) Mohammed would like to be martyred many times for Allah (Bukhari 2:29)
  • the owner of every horse used for the jihad receives a reward from God when the horse eats, walks or drinks water (Bukhari 56: 76. 69)
  • Martyr: will take his place in paradise, forgive himself for his sin, will not suffer the torture of the grave, wife of women and is allowed to incur for his relatives (ibnmajah 24: 47) (not Sahih but good)
  • The one who got out for jihad will be admitted in paradise(martyrdom) or will return with a reward or a booty (Bukhari 97:89)
  • Jihad belongs to the best deeds (Bukhari 97:159)
  • spend (of your wealth) in the Cause of Allah was revealed concerning spending in Allah’s Cause (i.e. Jihad). (Bukhari 65:41)

Martyr reward

  • If someone is killed fighting in the way of Allah with sincerity, all his sins will be blotted out from him [forgiven] except debt (muslim 33:176-180)
  • the martyr is so good in paradise that they want to come back on earth/in this world to be slain again (muslim 33:181)
  • nobody in paradise will want to return to those world except the martyr who desires to return and be killed in the world for the great merit of martyrdom (muslim 33:163-164*)
  • who seeks martyrdom with sincerity will be ranked by Allah among the martyrs even he not achieve it (muslim 33:224-225)
  • the 5 types of a martyr (muslim 33:235-236*-240)
  • Mohammed said: Surely, the gates of Paradise are under the shadows of the swords, then a man stands up, broke the sheath of his sword, threw it away, advanced with his (naked) sword towards the enemy and fought (them) with it until he was slain. (muslim 33:211)
  • Whoever asks Allah to be killed (in Jihad) sincerely, from his heart, then he dies or is killed, he will have the reward of a martyr. (nasai 25:57)
  • There is no man who takes on the responsibility of looking after the wife of one of the Mujahidin and betrays him with her but he (the betrayer) will be made to stand before him on the Day of Resurrection and he will take whatever he wants of his (good) deeds. (nasai 25:105-107)       

Stories of Martyrs

  • God laughs at 2 men: one is killed fighting in the way of Allah and his murderer embrace Islam later and fight in the way of Allah and dies a martyr and enter the paradise (muslim 33:188 -190)
  • M. said about a man, who embrace Islam and then went forward fought until he was killed: he has done little but shall be given a great reward (muslim 33:209)
  • when the polytheists/enemies advanced towards the Muslims, the messenger of Allah said: get up to enter paradise … (muslim 33:210)#
  • while the Muslims were facing the enemies, the prophet said: surely the gates of Paradise are under the shadows of the swords and man, who hear that, fought the enemies until he was slain (muslim 33:211)
  • a man asked to the prophet if he is killed in the cause of Allah with patience and seeking reward, facing the enemy, and not running away, will Allah forgive my sins and the prophet answers with “yes, unless he is in debt” (nasai 25:71-74)
  • a man is killed and people congratulated him because he will go to paradise, but the prophet said that the spoil of war  is burning him with fire (nasai 35:67)
  • A hoe embraces Islam and is martyred in combat. he did little work after his conversion but will have a great reward (Bukhari 56.24)
  • Angels protect a martyr with their wings while a woman cry and Muhammad asks her not to cry anymore (Bukhari 56.32)
  • Allah welcomes in heaven 2 hoes, one kills by the other in the fight for Allah and the other also martyrdom for Allah (Bukhari 56.42)
  • The angel Gabriel tells Muhammad that the martyrs are coming to paradise (Saheeh al-Bukhari 2801 (56:18) (This is the place where Bani Salim was sent to Bani Amir and the pagans killed them)   
  • A woman asked if her son (martyred at the battle of Badr)  is in paradise and Mohammed  confirms (Bukhari 56:25)
  • After a battle, the Muslim deaths are in paradise and their enemies are in Hell  (Bukhari 58:24)
  • Haritha was martyred and Mohammed said to his mother that he is in the most superior paradise (Bukhari 64:33)
  • those who prayed at the battle of Badr and the others are not equal (Bukhari 64: 6)

Hypocrite and punishment for  no fighting

  • Whoever dies without having fought and thought of fighting (or expresse any desire for  jihad)  dies as a hypocrite (muslim 33:226, abudawud 15:26, nasai 25:13)
  • at the battle of  Uhud, some Muslims refused to fight and returned to medina and Allah revealed that: the Muslims don’t have to  divide about the hypocrite (Bukhari 65:111)
  • he who does not join the expedition jihad or equip or look after a warrior family when he is away will be smitten by Allah (abudawud 15.27)

War / Regel

  • Children and women of pagans on the battlefield are equaled and can be killed (Bukhari 56: 221)

Others Jihad

  • Mohammed said to  a young man to do jihad near his parents (to service his parents) (Bukhari 56:213)
  • Aischa want to  participate in jihad (holy war ) and  Mohammed said her that the best Jihad for women  is the Hajj (Bukhari 56:3*.91-9228:41; 25:8, 25:4)
  • Jihad of the elderly, the young, the weak, and women, is Hajj and ‘Umrah. (nasai 24:2627)
  • M.: Strive in Jihad with your hands, your tongues and your wealth (nasai 25:108 – weak hadith)
  • The best jihad = word off truth before an unjust ruler (nasai 39:61 – not Sahih)

More than Jihad

  • a good action during the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah (12 and last month of the Islamic calendar) is more appreciated by Allah than Jihad except for the one who goes out for jihad and does not return [alive] (abudawud 14: 126, Tirmidhi 8:76, Bukhari 13:18)