Jihad/Fighting (Hadith)
Fighting / General the best Jihad is that of a man whose blood is shed and his horse is wounded (ibn Majah 24:42). "the true Muslims are the best of…
Fighting / General the best Jihad is that of a man whose blood is shed and his horse is wounded (ibn Majah 24:42). "the true Muslims are the best of…
Reward No Equal between the one who fights and the non-fighter. Allah preferred the mujahideen(fighters) over the others and they will have a great reward, high/special degrees/ranks, forgiveness and mercy…
Friendship - Allies Don’t take Christian as a friend (5:51) Do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies and whoever takes them as allies are one of them…
Religious intolerance General I have been ordered to fight everyone till they say: "...(shaada)", do prayer and pay the zakat, whoever does that will be safe from the prophet …
Hell/Paradise How is the decision to take to go in the paradise So those whose scales (the weighing ) are heavy(7:8- 9) Paradise description Wine an Alcool In paradise, there…
Prophecies about Islam Verily the faith would recede to Medina just as the serpent crawls back into its hole. (Muslim 1:280-281) The Hour (Resurrection) will not occur until 'Allah, Allah'…
Israelites Jews were transformed in donkeys because they refused to obey God (7:166) God punished the Israelis 40 years in the desert because they have refused to fight (5:24-26) It…
Adam Adam was chased from paradise because of his mistake and should not be blamed because he had been predestined to make this mistake (Bukhari 60:82) Adam said to Mose,…
Why is it revealed Overview The Quran is a guidance for the Muslims (16:89) The book to warn a people to whom no warner has come before you (32:3. 36:5-6) What…
Begin of the divine revelation Waraqa bin Naufal(cousin of Mohammed wife Khadija) was a Christian who write letters/Gospel in Hebrew/Arabic and engage to support Mohhamed strongly and after his death the…
Behavior towards other Book Mohammed/muslims has to Believe in the Torah and Gospel I believe everything that Allah sent down as Book (42:15) We believe in that which has been…
Death and sickness A Jewess poisoned Muhammed et before his death, Muhammed said that his aorta has been cut (Abudawud 41:19, Bukhari 64:450) Before the death of the Prophet, he…
General When appointed anyone Leader of an Army or Detachment, he would say them: when you meet the Polytheisten (unbeliever, your enemies) ask them to accept Islam, if there refuse,…
Conquest / War Mohammed: the hour will not come till you fight the Turks (Bukhari 61:96-99, 56:141) when Khosrau and Caesar will perish, they will be none after them and…
Veil At the marriage of Safiyya and the prophet, the people mean: If he (the Holy Prophet) would make her wear the veil, then she would be a (free married)…
Intro All information here is from the oldest biography of Mohammed: "the life of Muhammad" from Ishaq Sirat Rasul Allah. The book can be found here Pre Islamic Period the…
Apostate after the death of the prophet, some Arabs apostatized(refused to pay the Zakat) and Abu bakr (first caliph and successor of the prophet) decided to fight them (muslim 1:20,…
Companions of Muhammed Umar Mohammed said to Umar: if satan would encounter you in the way he would certainly take a different way from that of yours (Muslim 44:32) The…
Atheism Evolution Theory where comes the first cell/molecule to existence (where come life from)? With the capacity to replicate and reproduces? (abiogenesis) No scientific successes to bring such complex living…
Quran FIGHTING whoever fights for God and is killed, go to paradise and his sins are forgiven (Quran 9:111, Hadith)? Allah prefers fighter over non-fighter and they will receive high/special degrees/ranks…
Muslims do things because the prophet did it a man is sick, was brought to the prophet, he blesses him with his hand and perform ablution and let him drink…
Read this article here The Muslims only fight to defend themself < - > the Muslims has to fight the people of the Books because they said Allah has…
Forgiveness Allah forgives someone because he fears him, although he did less good deeds in his life (Bukhari 60:145.148) The Prophet gives presents to the people of the Quraysh tribute…